Bài 1: Sửa lỗi sai 1, While they were away at the beach, they allowed their neighbors use barbecue grill 2, The sun hadn't hardly set when the mosquitoes began to sitting so annoyingly that we had to run off from the picnic grounds 3, A series of debates between the major candidates were scheduled for the Labour Day weekend 4, After talking to her for about 15 minutes, he continued doing his homework 5, The teacher as long as the students are preparing for the vacation now 6, My elder brother was not used to bargain when buying something 7, Only by keeping patient you can achieve success 8, Mary said that she forgot the dictionary at home so she had to go home to fetch it 9, She said that the salary of an engineer was twice as much as a teacher 10, The new technique calls for heat the mixture before applying it to the wood

2 câu trả lời

1. Use -> to use

2. Were -> was

3. Doing -> to do

5. Are -> is

6. Was not used to -> didn't use to

7. You can -> can you

 8. Forgot -> had forgotten

9. Teacher -> teacher's

10. Heat -> heating


1. use -> to use

2. hadn't hardly

3. between -> among

4. doing -> to do

5. are -> is

6. bargain ->  bargaining

7. you can -> can you

8. forgot -> had forgot

9. teacher

10.  heat -> heating

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