as because called what throughout hard Zamenhof invented a new language (21) __________ Esperanto to improve understanding between people of different countries. He showed Esperanto to his friends to find out (22) __________ they thought about it. Later in the same year he went to study at a university in Moscow. He wanted to improve Esperanto. Zamenhof’s friends then worked (23) __________ to spread the new language. They tried to persuade schools (24) __________ the world to teach it. However, only a few people today speak Esperanto (25) __________ more and more people use English (26) __________ a foreign language (nhanh nhanh giùm cái đang vội)

1 câu trả lời


21. called : gọi là, tên là

22. what (what they thought about it ~ họ nghĩ gì về nó)

23. hard (work hard : làm việc chăm chỉ)

24. throughout (throughout the world ~ khắp thế giới)

25. because : bởi vì

26. as : như

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