A fashion blog is asking for writers. Write a paragraph about you to the editor. Describe your style of clothes and hair, and any changes you’d like to make to your style.

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Today, fashion is becoming an important tool for people to pass their message across. From my perspective, this trend entails both positive and negative effects on the youth.Considering firstly the positives, one of the most obvious is to satisfy a requirement for novelty. This is because fashion conveys a lot about our personalities, tastes, and lifestyles. Thus, experimenting with new fashion trends enables the youth to try out different styles and figure out how to make them look more stylish and fashionable. Another significant benefit is a greater sense of confidence. For those who are smartly dressed, there is a high chance that they can make great first impressions with others, and their self-confidence in their appearance helps them bond with like-minded people. As a result, this can build a successful personal and career life, thus providing a sense of fulfillment.With regard to the negatives, the most noticeable one is its adverse effects on juvenile minds. Instead of investing in books and study, teenagers spend a lot of energy searching for trendy clothes and try to imitate fashionistas and celebrities. This will make them more materialistic, thus being judgmental about other people’s clothes and fashion sense. Furthermore, being fashionable has financial repercussions on families. Since the world of fashion is always changing, keeping up with trends constantly is astronomical. This can cause conflicts and tensions between parents and their financially dependent children.In conclusion, my view is that although following trends is beneficial in terms of meeting the needs of novelty and boosting confidence, it is essential to consider that they also harm young people’s cognitive development and put a financial strain on their families.

$\Longrightarrow$   Today, I was taken by my mother to watch the weightlifting competition of the Athletes. Starting, the first Athlete Uncle bowed slightly to the audience and then began his competition. He spread his legs, took a steady stance, and bent down to lift weights. A few seconds passed, thousands of anxious eyes followed his every move. Suddenly, he lifted two eighty kilogram iron dumbbells gently overhead amid cheers of praise and thunderous cheers. Some spectators rushed to congratulate him and give him fresh bouquets of flowers. The athlete's face beamed with happiness. To be successful today, he must have gone through a long process of hard training. Looking at the athlete, I wish that when I grow up tomorrow, I will also have a body and a strength like that.


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