6. Study hard or you will fail the exam. A. You don’t fail the exam unless you study har B. If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam. C. You don’t study hard, so you will fail the exam. D. Because you study hard, you don’t fail the exam. 7. We’ll get there early so that we’ll be able to get tickets. A. If we get there early, we’ll be able to get tickets. B. If we don’t get there early, we’ll be able to get tickets. C. If we get there early, we won’t be able to get tickets. D. Unless we get there early, we’ll be able to get tickets. 8. Finish your homework or you can't go out with your friend. A. Unless you finish your homework, you can go out with your friend. B. If you don't finish your homework, you can go out with your friend. C. If you don't finish your homework, you can't go out with your friend. D. If you finish your homework, you can't go out with your friend. 9. You feel unhealthy because you don’t take any exercise. A. If you don’t take any exercise, you will feel healthy. B. If you took more exercise, you would feel healthier. C. If you take more exercise, you will feel healthier. D. If you were healthier, you would take more exercise. 10. The test is so difficult that we can’t finish it on time. A. If the test are not difficult, we could do it on time. B. If the test were not difficult, we could do it on time. C. If the test are not difficult, we can do it on time. D. Unless the test were not difficult, we could do it on time.

1 câu trả lời

6. B. If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam. => nghĩa : Nếu bạn không học tập chăm chỉ, bạn sẽ trượt kỳ thi.

7. A. If we get there early, we’ll be able to get tickets. => nghĩa :Nếu chúng tôi đến đó sớm, chúng tôi sẽ có thể nhận được vé.

8 . C. If you don't finish your homework, you can't go out with your friend.=> nghĩa : Nếu bạn không hoàn thành bài tập về nhà, bạn không thể đi chơi với bạn của mình

9 . C. If you take more exercise, you will feel healthier.=> nghĩa :Nếu bạn tập thể dục nhiều hơn, bạn sẽ cảm thấy khỏe mạnh hơn.

10 . B. If the test were not difficult, we could do it on time.=> nghĩa :Nếu bài kiểm tra không khó, chúng tôi có thể làm đúng thời gian.

Gửi tus ạ ^^