6. Choose the possessive form of the noun: the book of Amy * 1 điểm Amy's book Amy' book Amy's book's 7. Choose the possessive form of the noun: the wife of Diego * 1 điểm Diego’ wife Diego’s wife Diegos wife 8. Choose the possessive form of the noun: the boots of the elves * 1 điểm the elves’s boots the elves’ boots the elves’s boots 9. Choose the possessive form of the noun: the problem of the shoemakers * 1 điểm the shoemakers’ problem the shoemakers’ s problem the shoemaker's problem 10. Choose the possessive form of the noun: the team of the teachers * 1 điểm the teachers's teams the teachers' team the teachers' teams 11. Choose the possessive form of the noun: the dance of Pixie * 1 điểm Pixie’s dance Pixie’ dance Pixie’s dances 12. Tick the correct comparative adjective * 1 điểm happier happy happyer 13. Tick the correct comparative adjective * 1 điểm boringer boring more boring 14. Tick the correct comparative adjective * 1 điểm likabler more likabler more likable 15. Tick the correct comparative adjective * 1 điểm newwer more newer newer 16. Tick the correct comparative adjective * 1 điểm good better best 17. Tick the correct comparative adjective * 1 điểm worse worser bad 18. Tick the correct comparative adjective * 1 điểm farther farthest farer làm ơn 10 phút thôi

2 câu trả lời

6. Amy's book

7. Deigo's wife

8. The elves's boots

9. The shoemakers's problem

10.The teachers's team.

11. Piexe's dance

12. Happier

13. More boring'

14. Likabler

15. Newer.

16. better

17. worse

18. farther

chúc bạn học tốt^_^

6. Amy's book

7. Diego’s wife

8. the elves’s boots

9. the shoemaker's problem

10. the teachers's teams

11. Pixie’s dance

12. happier

13. more boring

14. likabler

15. newer

16. better

17. worse

18. farther

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