41__________ looks at living things. A. neurology B. biology C. zoology D. physics 42. __________ is all about new machines. A. biology B. technology C. physics D. zoology 43. __________looks at the planets and outer space. A. biology B. technology C. astronomy D. zoology 44. __________.is the study of heat light and energy. A. neurology B. biology C. zoology D. physics 45. Adults often think they can’t __________ new things like foreign languages, but it isn’t true. A. learn B. teach C. study D. understand 46. __________is serious and is about real life. A. action film B. comedy C. horror film D. documentary 47.__________.are about things like the future, robots or space. A. science fiction films B. comedy C. horror film D. action film 48. __________ tells actors what to do. A. director B. artist C. writer D. actor 49. __________ plays an instrument like a piano or guitar. A. A director B. A musician C. A writer D. An actor 50.You read the work of __________, for example a novel. A. a director B. an artist C. a writer D. an actor 51. __________play different characters in films and plays. A. directors B. artists C. writers D. actors 52__________ is also sometimes called cartoon A. action film B. comedy C. horror film D. animation 53. I wasn’t a very clever child, but I__________very hard at school. A. learnt B. taught C. studied D. knew 54. My grandparents didn’t __________ how to use a smart phone so I taught them. A. understand B. remember C. know D. recognize 55.The children have piano lessons and they__________ for an hour every day. A. practice B. study C. learn D. train 56. My husband and I are planning to run a marathon next year so we try to ........ every day. A. practice B. study C. learn D. train 57. At school we __________ a lot of things. Some are useful some are not. A. forgot B. memorized C. remembered D. knew 58. I can never__________ that man’s surname. It’s something like Papayianopoulos. A .forget B. memorize C. remember D. know 59. It’s very difficult to clean carpets without a/an__________ A. vacuum cleaner B. Ipod C. wheel D. mobile phone 60. It must feel great to__________ a really useful machine. A. discover B. invent C. test D. make 61. I can never remember who it was that __________ that the world is round. A. discovered B. invented C. tested D. made 62.They have __________the medicine on humans and it seems to be safe. A. discovered B. invented C. tested D. made 63. My car __________ and I had to wait for two hours miles away from home. A. shut down B. broke down C. break down D. went down 64. We’re going to hire a car so don’t forget your driving __________ A. permit B. licence C. permission D. legality 65. They kept me in immigration for hours because there was a problem with my __________. A. accommodation B. language C. tickets D. visa 66.. __________is the science of the brain. A. neurology B. biology C. zoology D. physics 67__________ is the study of animals. A. neurology B. biology C. zoology D. physics 68. We are going to take part in a competition next year so we try to__________every day. A. practice B. study C. learn D. train 69.I would get lost everywhere if I didn’t have my __________. A. vacuum cleaner B. mp3 C. sat nav D. mobile phone 70. The university was closed because of bad weather but we had our lecture as a ________ A. podcast B. text message C. postcard D. mobile phone 71. I wanted to go to Australia and find a job but you need a work__________ before you arrive. A. permit B. licence C. permission D. legality 72. The boys didn’t have much money to travel by public transport so they _________ a lot. A. go by plane B. take a taxi C. drive D. hitchhike 73. What’s the__________ in Russia called? Is it the rouble? A. exchange rate B. money C. currency D. coin 74. We want to go hitchhiking in Europe but we think it might be__________. A. illegal B. legal C. lawful D. rightful 75. How many time__________ are there? It’s a big country. A. schedules B. lines C. circles D. zones 76. There are people from all over the world in Toronto. It’s a very __________city. A. culture B. cultural C. multicultural D. busy 77. I don’t have any luggage to check in, just a small __________ A. souvenir B. carry-on bag C. thing D. stuff 78. The hotels are very busy at this time of year, so you should __________ A. rent a car B. put up C. book in advance D. hired a car 79. Are you coming back or would you just like a __________ ticket? A. couple B. double C. return D. single 80. It’s a big island – to see it properly, you should __________a car. A. rent a car B. put up C. book in advance D. hired a car

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