3. These medicines can ……….. your headache. a. ease b. elevate c. revive d. affect 3………. 4. Calm ……… and tell me what happened. a. out b. down c. in d. up 4………. 5. I forgot to thank them ………… helping me a. about b. of c. on d. for 5………. 6. They moved to the city in order ………… well-paying jobs. a. get b. to get c. getting d. got 6………. 7. She was ……………… for days after the accident. a. consciousness b. unconscious c. consciously d. conscious 7………. 8. You ………….. forget what I told you . It’s very important. a. mustn’t b. needn’t c. don’t have to d. can’t 8………. 9. He is working very hard ……………to get poor grades a. so as b. so that c. in order not d. so 9………. 10. “Shall I do the washing up for you?” _ “……………………...” a. I’m afraid not b. I don’t think so 10…….. c. No thanks. I can do it myself d. I’m sorry I can’t

2 câu trả lời

3. These medicines can ……….. your headache.

A. ease b. elevate c. revive d. affect

( Những loại thuốc này có thể làm giảm đau đầu của bạn.)

4. Calm ……… and tell me what happened.

a. out b. down c. in d. up 

(Bình tĩnh và nói cho tôi biết chuyện gì đã xảy ra.)

5. I forgot to thank them ………… helping me a.

about  b. of  c. on  d. for

(Thank + for + Ving nha!)

6. They moved to the city in order ………… well-paying jobs.

a. get  b. to get  c. getting  d. got

(In order to + V )

7. She was ……………… for days after the accident.

a. consciousness  b. unconscious  c. consciously  d. conscious 

(Cô đã bất tỉnh nhiều ngày sau vụ tai nạn.)

8. You ………….. forget what I told you . It’s very important.

a. mustn’t  b. needn’t  c. don’t have to  d. can’t

( Vì có "It's very important" nên ta chọn A)

9. He is working very hard ……………to get poor grades

a. so as b. so that c. in order not d. so 

( Anh ấy đang làm việc rất chăm chỉ để không bị điểm kém)

10. “Shall I do the washing up for you?”

a. I’m afraid not

b. I don’t think so 

c. No thanks. I can do it myself

d. I’m sorry I can’t

(Tôi có nên giặt giũ cho bạn không? -  Không, cám ơn. Tôi có thể tự mình làm lấy)









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