3. Present perfect and past simple 1. Those three kids .............................outside without an adult(never/go) 2.My younger brother................(be)really annoying when he ............a child(be) 3.Susan's favourite sport ...........(be) tennis;then she...........ping pong(discover) 4.He...............................a full-time job(never/have) 5.How many times.......................that movie?(see/he) 6.since what age..........................soccer?(play/you) 7..................................................................a ghost?(see/you/later) 8.......................................................................................to oktoberfest last year ? ( go /they) 9........................................anything interesting last night ? ( cook/you) 10...........................................tennis recently(play/you) 11 how many cities............................in(live/you) 12 ............late for last night's concert?(be/we) 13 what................for breakfast this morning?(eat/you) 14 how many boyfrs..................... ?(have/she) 15 there...........a lot of car accidents at that intersection last winter(be) 16 i live in munich now. i .........there for 2 years ( be ) 17 last night there......................a really funny show on tv(be) 18 steven.....................(get) a car when he ..............................sixteen(turn) 19 i...........................(play) soccer since i ..............................five(be) 20 they .................................a farm 2 week ago( to visit) HELP ME!!!!!!!!Mai mình phải nộp rồi mngg ạ

2 câu trả lời

1/ have never gone


3/was/have discovered

4/never has

5/has he seen

6/have you played

7/did they go

8/đid they go

9/did you cook

10/have you play

11/have you lived

12/were we be

13/ did you eat

14/ does she have




18/got/was turning

19/have played/ was

20/ko rõ vì e mới lớp 8 ahihihi

1.has never gone



4.has never had

5.did he see

6.have you played

7.did you see a ghost later?

8.did they go to.....

9.did you cook anything.......

10.did you play

11.did you live

12.were we late.....

13.did you eat

14.has she had


16.have been



19.have played/was

20.visited hoặc went to visit a farm........