26. He started his new job _____ 5 July. 27. I often have a bath _____ dinner. 28. Well , let’s go for a walk ____ the weekend. 29. I don’t know what he is doing __ this moment. 30. She often hears some strange noise ____ midnight. 31. Does it rain ____ Spring? 32. Try to learn the meaning of the words ____ heart. 33. What are you going to do ____ 2009? 34. That’s very kind ___ you to help us. 35. There is a lightening fixture __ the table __ the room

2 câu trả lời

26. on

27. before/after

28. at

29. in

30. at

31. in

32. by

33. in

34. of

35. on - in

26 on

27 after

28 at

29 at

30 at



33 in


35 on, in

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