2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word Christmas is always held (54)________ December the twenty fifth every year. Every family in England decorates a Christmas tree and puts (55)________ in the middle of the living room. And Santa Claus plays an important (56)________ in this festival. There is a poem to relate him. In 1823, The patron Nicholas of children, Saint Nicholas appeared in a poem (57)________ A Visit Saint Nicholas. The character in the poem (58)________ a fat jolly man who wore a (59)________ suit and gave children (60)________ on Christmas Eve. The poem, which was (61)________ by Clement Clarke Moore, an American professor, became popular (62)________ the USA. Santa Claus is based (63)________ the description of Saint Nicholas in this poem.

2 câu trả lời

Christmas is always held (54) on December the twenty fifth every year. Every family in England decorates a Christmas tree and puts (55) it in the middle of the living room. And Santa Claus plays an important (56) role in this festival. There is a poem to relate him. In 1823, The patron Nicholas of children, Saint Nicholas appeared in a poem (57) called A Visit Saint Nicholas. The character in the poem (58) was a fat jolly man who wore a (59) red suit and gave children (60) presents on Christmas Eve. The poem, which was (61) written by Clement Clarke Moore, an American professor, became popular (62) in the USA. Santa Claus is based (63) on the description of Saint Nicholas in this poem.


55. It 

56. Role 

57. Called 

58. Was 

59. Red 

60. Presents 

61. Written 


63. On 

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