1.Many.......................of the older generation were there (represent) 2.Water.................(cooperate) 3.His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant(sleep) 4.The Scouting Association is the largest...................youth organization in the world(volunteer) 5. Linguistics is the sciene of ............ .a. medical b. economics c. language d. mathematics 6. Will you see........Nam at the airpost tomorrow? a. over b. down c. off d. in 7. The bomb missed it mission then......... a. went down b. went off c. went through d. went away 8.He usually worn a pair of glasses a. He no longer wears a pair of glasses b. He used to wear a pair of glasses c. He doesn't wear a pair of glasses anymore d. All are correct 9. An began to be interested in healthy eating 3 years ago -An has been....

1 câu trả lời

1 . Representative








9 .An has been begin to be interested in healthy eating for 3 years ago (theo mình chia hiện tại ht cho câu nha )kiến thức câu theo mình học thì hthh thì correct 

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