1.Last night, we didn’t watch the film on TV because it was_______ A. bore B. bored C. boring D. boredom 2._________you listen to music last night? A. Were B. Are C. Do D. Did 3.Where __________ yesterday evening? Ạ. were you B. did you go C. did you stay D. all are correct 4.Long was absent ________ class yesterday. A. from B. of C. away D. off 5. What does Mr Tan tell her ________? A. to do B. do C. does D. doing 6. She needs ___________ my temperature. A. to make B. to do C. to take D. to have 7. I need ___________ your height. A. measuring B. measures C. measure D. to measure 8. What was _________ with you? A. problem B. matter C. wrong D. right 9. _____ there a cure for the common cold? A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does 10. Her cold will _________ for a few days and then disappear. A. lasted B. last C. to last D. lasts 11. The nurse told Hoa ______ to the waiting room. A. to return B. returning C. return D. returns \ 12. My sister is having a pain _______ her head. A. on B. at C. in D. of 13. Everybody ________ the symptom of the common cold. A. knows B. know C. knew D. to know 14. Why _______ he go to school last Monday? – Because he was sick. A. does B. did C. doesn’t D. didn’th

2 câu trả lời

1 . C

2 . D

3 . D

4 . A

5 . A

6 . C

7 . D

8 . C

9 . A

10 . B

11 . A

12 . A

13 . A

14 . D















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