1.It was more of an argument than a discussion =>It was not to 2.Thanks to her uncle's legacy of 15,000 dollars she was able to buy the house she wanted =>Had her 3.Batigol is the footballer I admire most of all =>There is 4.The man's life was of great poverty =>Throughout 5.There was no precedent of the king resignation =>Never 6.These new machines have put an end to queuing =>Before these 7.Tien Giang is a far less hilly province than Lam Dong. =>Lam Dong has 8.There isn't a pair of jeans left in the shop,Miss! =>We are completely 9.A house in this district will cost you at least 100,000 dollars =>You won't be 10.She doesn't know why they are attracted to spending all day on the beach =>She can't see (viết lại câu sao cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi)

1 câu trả lời

1. It was not so much a discussion as an argument.
2. Had her uncle not died and left/given her ( a legacy of) $15,000, she would not have have been able to buy the house she wanted.
3. There is no footballer (that / who/ whom ) I admire more than Batigol.
4. Throughout his life, the man was very poor/ suffered from great poverty.
5. Never before had a/ any/ the King resigned.
6. Before these machines were invented people had to queue.
7. Lam Dong has more hills than Tien Giang.
8. We are completely ( sold) out of jeans, Miss!
9. You won’t be able to buy/ get a house in this district ( for ) less than/ under $100,000.
10. She can’t see the attraction of spending all day on the beach.