1.everybody hates the boy because he behaves badly If..................................................................... 2 she is mr thuy's next door neighbor Mr thuy lives......................................... 3. If we use solar energy ,we can save natural resources By................................................................ 4.They have little knowledge of Vietnamese literature They know..................................................... 5. Misa is both beautiful and intelligent Misa not..................................... 6.Thao ly said Let's go to the dance thao Ly....................................... 7.Linda likes neither of those dresses linda doesn't........................................ 8.his friend doesn't go to the club because he is ill If............................................ 6

2 câu trả lời

1. If the boy didn't behave badly, everybody wouldn't hate him

2. Mr Thuy lives next to her

3. By using solar energy, we can save natural resources

4. They know a little about Vietnamese literature

5. Misa is not only beautiful but also she is intelligent

6. Thao Ly suggests going to the dance

7. Linda doesn't like those dresses

8. If is friend weren't ill, he would go to the club

1. If the boy didn't behaves badly, everybody wouldn't hates him.

2.Mr Thuy lives next to her.

3. By using solar energy, we can save natural resources.

4. They know little about Vietnamese literature.

5. Misa not only beautiful but also intelligent.

6. Thao Ly suggests going to the dance.

7. Linda doesn't like any of these dresses.

8. If his friend hadn't ill, he would go to the club