1.before you (mention) him, i (never hear ) of that author. 2.you get used to(eat) chinese food after some years (live) in this country. 3 the teacher asked those who (complete) their tests (turn) in their papers. 4.if you don't hurry, all the tickets (sell) by the time we (get) there. 5. the injured person (made) (lie) on the floor. 6 after (shout) for help, she (take) off the shoes and (jump) in the river (save) him. 7. it was a boring show. i would rather (not/go) there. giúp mk vs đang cần gấp.

2 câu trả lời

 1 mentioned , never hear

2 eating

3 completed,turn

4 sold, get

5  made lied

6 shouted, she took jumped, saved

7 not to go


1. mentioned / had never heard

2. eating / living

3. had completed/ to turn

4. will be sold/get

5. was made to lie

6. shouting/took / jumped/to save

7. not have gone

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