16. Tim: Let's go to the paddy fields to fly kites, Tom. Tom: ................................................. * 1 điểm A. How about you? B. What's the matter? C. Ok. It sounds good. D. Not at all. 17. Choose the word CLOSEST in meaning with the word SPECIALITY in the sentence. " Pia cake is a speciality of Soc Trang." * 1 điểm A. cooking style B. special food C. dish D. recipe 18. Choose the word CLOSEST in meaning with the word SIMPLE in the sentence. " Many ethnic groups have very simple ways of farming, but their production is very high." * 1 điểm A. complicated B. poor C. uncomplicated D. insignificant 19. Choose the word OPPOSITE in meaning with the word SHOUT OUT LOUD in the sentence. " When we spent our holidays in the countryside, we could run around the fields and shout out loud without disturbing anybody." * 1 điểm A. speak loudly B. raise our voice C. make noise D. whisper 20. Choose the word OPPOSITE in meaning with the word VAST in the sentence. " There used to be vast areas of rainforests in the South of the country." * 1 điểm A. huge B. limited C. enormous D. remote 21. The cattle can provide them ...................most of their needs. * 1 điểm A. with B. for C. at D. in 22. Most of the villagers are busy;..............., they always spend time chatting with their family and having dinner together to tell each other about how their day went. * 1 điểm A. therefore B. however C. because D. so 23. Among 54 ethnic groups of Viet Nam, the Kinh............. about 86 percent of the population. * 1 điểm A. account for B. accounts for C. account D. account on 24. The Tay ethnic group has ..................population. * 1 điểm A. the larger B. the second largest C. the large D. largest 25. Most people in the mountainous areas live in.................... * 1 điểm A. thatched houses B. apartments C. stilt houses D. villas 26. It takes 8.5 minutes for light to travel from .......Sun to ............Earth. * 1 điểm A. 0-0 B. a - an C. the - the D. 0 - an 27. Many ethnic groups have their own.........and ............language. * 1 điểm A. speaking-writing B. spoken-written C. speak-write D. spoken-wrote 28. A custom is something that has become an ............. way of doing things. * 1 điểm A. offered B. agreed C. accepted D. involved 29. A tradition is something we do that is special and is.................through the generations. * 1 điểm A. passed in B. passed down C.passed out D. pass up 30. My family has the custom .............eating dinner at 7p.m sharp. * 1 điểm A. on B. of C. in D. by

2 câu trả lời

16) C

17) B

18) A

19) A

20) C

21) D

22) B

23) D

24) B

.25) C

26) B

27) A

28) A

29) B

.30) D

16 c












28 d


30 b


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