13/Please don’t interrupt me all the time. -Would you mind_______________________________________________? 16/ “ I haven’t done anything wrong,” Tom said. -Tom denied __________________________________________________ 17/The driver of the car said it was true that he didn’t have a licence -The driver of the car admitted_____________________________________ 18/I remember someone telling me the news. -I remember being_______________________________________________ 19/Are you sure you paid those bills yesterday? -Do you remember ______________________________________________? 20/Don’t forget that you have to do this homework. -Please remember ______________________________________________ 21/She really didn’t want to upset him so she kept quiet. -She was anxious to avoid _________________________________________ 22/Don’t ask so many questions. -Please stop ____________________________________________________ 23/I think we’ve discussed phrasal verbs enough now. -Let’s stop______________________________________________________ 24/He hasn’t smoked for 3 years. - He stopped___________________________________________________ 25/They haven’t played chess for a long time. -They stopped ___________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

13. Would you mind not interrupting me all the time?

16. Tom denied doing anything wrong.

17. The driver of the car admitted not having a licence.

18. I remember being told the news.

19. Do you remember paying those bills yesterday?

20. Please remember to do this homework.

21. She was anxious to avoid upsetting him.

22. Please stop asking so many questions.

23. Let's stop discussing phrasal verbs now.

24. He stopped smoking 3 years ago.

25. They stopped playing chess a long time ago.

13.Would you mind not interrupting me all the time?

16.Tom denie doing anything wrong.

17.The driver of the car admitted not having a licence.

18.I remember being told the news.

19.Do you remember paying those bills yesterday?

20.Please remember to do this homework.

21.She was anxious to avoid upsetting him.

22.Please stop asking so many questions.

23.Let’s stop discussing phrasal verbs enough now.

24.He stopped smoking 3 years ago.

25.They stopped playing chess a long time ago.

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