11. This year, more girls enrolled on courses in art and design. A. avoided B. inserted C. erased D. enlisted 12. In some rural areas, women and girls are forced to do most of the housework. A. invited B. encouraged C. made D. contributed 13. Our government has done a lot to eliminate gender inequality. A. cause B. remove C. add D. allow 14. We never allow any kind of discrimination against girls at school. A. approve B. deny C. refuse D. debate 15. Women do not yet have equal rights in the family in this area. A. variable B. similar C. different D. the same 16. It's time we banned discrimination at work. A. bias B. equity C. fairness D. similarity 17. Both male and female students in my class perform very well. A. assign B. work C. communicate D. entertain 18. Many people in our country still think married women shouldn’t pursue a career. A. attempt B. attach C. achieve D. want 19. Most employers prefer male workers to female ones. A. want B. compliment C. care about D. favour 20. She failed to get into medical university. A. passed B. qualified C. didn’t succeed D. satisfied 21. In order to be successful, we should never give up hope. A. fight B. abandon C. continue D. suspect 22. Gender discrimination has become a hot subject of conversations among school students. A. topic B. study C. fact D. case 23. The government took big steps to prevent gender inequality. A. increase B. avoid C. promote . D. cause 24. Those people who have enough courage and will are likely to be successful. A. energy B. motivation C. bravery D. desire 25. Nowadays, many women are aware of gender preferences in favour of boys. A. fail B. ignore C. deny D. acknowledge 26. With great effort, she passed the driving test at the first attempt. A. succeeded in B. failed C. enrolled D. deferred 27. Female firefighters are sometimes the targets of laughter and anger from the coworkers and local people. A. reasons B. sources C. directions D. victims 28. Many women had to pay a heavy price to win equality. A. achieve B. lose C. attempt D. respect 29. Traditional women are often passive and dependent on their husbands. A. free B. reliant C. adhered D. strong 30. Women will be exhausted if they have to cover both jobs at work and at home. A. very relaxed B. very pleased C. very tired D. very happy 31. Men should share household chores with women in their families. A. cover B. finish C. take D. split 32. The Government has raised the national minimum wage. A. bonus B. expense C. waste D. pay 33. They were qualified for the job, but they were not recruited. A. competitive B. selected C. competent D. applied 34. Wage discrimination affects women negatively. A. motivates B. influences C. encourages D. affords 35. How are governments addressing the problem of inequality in wages? A. focusing on B. raising C. creating D. ignoring 36. Many countries now allow and encourage women to join the army and the police forces. A. permit B. force C. make D. prevent 37. We should encourage women to join more social activities. A. prevent B. stimulate C. permit D. forbid 38. Working mothers contribute to household income. A. reduce B. take C. add D. double 39. Family values are likely to pass down from generation to generation. A. put down B. cut down C. go down D. hand down 40. Women's salaries are becoming important to their household budgets. A. funds B. costs C. expenses D. fees 41. Experiences at work help women to widen their knowledge. A. eliminate B. broaden C. restrict D. spoil 42. If women have to do too much housework, they cannot concentrate or work effectively. A. learn B. distract C. focus D. ignore

2 câu trả lời

































11, D - enlisted (v, đầu quân = enroll: tham gia)

12, C - made (to be forced to do sth = to be made to do sth: bị bắt làm gì)

13, B - remove (eliminate (v), loại bỏ = remove: xóa bỏ)

14, A - approve (v, tán thành = allow: cho phép)

15, B - similar (equal rights = similar rights: quyền bình đẳng)

16, A - bias (n, sự thiên vị; discrimination: sự phân biệt đối xử)

17, B - work (= perform: biểu hiện, học tập)

18, C - achieve (pursue: theo đuổi; achieve: đạt được)

19, D - favour (= prefer: thích hơn; thiên vị)

20, C - didn't succeed (= failed: thất bại; không thành công)

21, B - abandon (=give up: từ bỏ)

22, A - topic (= subject: chủ đề)

23, B - prevent (=avoid: ngăn cản, tránh)

24, C - bravery (= courage: n, sự dũng cảm, nghị lực)

25, D - acknowledge (v, ý thức = to be aware of sth)

26, A - succeeded in (passed the driving test: thành công vượt qua bài thi lái xe)

27, B - sources (v, nguồn gốc; sources of laughter = targets of laughter: đối tượng cười nhạo)

28, A - achieve (win equality = achieve equality: đạt được sự công bằng)

29, B - reliant (adj, phụ thuộc; to be dependent on sb = to be reliant on sb: phụ thuộc vào ai)

30, C - very tired (= exhausted: mệt mỏi)

31, D  - split (split household chores = share household chores: chia sẻ việc nhà)

32, D - pay (= wage: lương)

33, C - competent (adj, qualified: có đủ tài năng)

34, B - influences (v, affect: ảnh hưởng)

35, B - raising (raise a problem = address a problem: chỉ ra/ đưa ra vấn đề)

36, A - permit (= allow: cho phép)

37, B - stimulate (v, thúc đẩy = encourage, khuyến khích)

38, C - add (= contribute: đóng góp)

39, D - hand down (= pass down: truyền lại)

40, C - expense (= budget: chi phí)

41, B - broaden (= widen: v, mở rộng)

42, C - focus (v, = concentrate: tập trung)

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