11: They made us work hard every day 12:How can we keep our fields in good condition ? 13:John used to ask his father a lot of question when he was a child 14:He said he would return the book next week 15:No one helped him do his homework 16:They say I am very intelligent 17:Turn off all the switches befone leaving the workshop 18:Who wrote this poem? 19:She threw everything she had to me 20:No one likes reading that book Dạng bị động

2 câu trả lời

11. They made us work hard every day.

We were made to work hard by them every day.

12. How can we keep our fields in good condition ?

How can our fields be kept in good condition by us ?

13. John used to ask his father a lot of question when he was a child.

A lot of question used to be asked his father by John when he was a child.

14. He said he would return the book next week.

He said the book would be returned by him next week.

15. No one helped him do his homework.

He wasn’t helped to do his homework.

16. They say I am very intelligent.

I am said to be very intelligent by them.

17. Turn off all the switches before leaving the workshop.

All the switches are turned off before leaving the workshop.

18. Who wrote this poem?

Who was this poem written by?

19. She threw everything she had to me.

Everything she had was thrown to me by her.

20. No one likes reading that book.

That book isn't liked reading.

11. We are made to work hard every day

12. How can our fileds be kept in good condition?

13. John's father used to be asked a lot of question when he was a child

14. He said the book would be returned next week

15. He wasn't helped to do his homework by anyone

16. I am said to be very intelligent

17. All the switches  must be turned off before leaving the workshop

18. By whom was this poem written?

19. Everything she had was thrown to me by her

20. That book isn't liked to be read by anyone.

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