1. you/ school/ at/ Are/ now/ ? 2. lessons/ How/ you/ do/ today/ many/ have/ ? 3. four/ Vietnamese/ a/ He/ week/ times/ has/ . 4.Do /your /you/ free /read /books /in /time/?/ 5. in / We/ study / pas t/ and / present / in /events /Vietnam/ and in /the /world/ history . 6. You /it/ have/ this / book /I /when /can /finish/. 7.. study/ I/ a/ twice/ with/ week/ partner/ a/ . 8. English / English magazines / by / reading / learns/ to / read / Tuan/. 9. parents/ My/ in / live/ small/ in / a / the / village / countryside/ in . 10. Except/ He/ to / goes / and/ Saturday / school / Sunday /. 11. read/ We/ stories / short/ write/ and / essays / during/ Vietnamese/ lessons . 12.write/ I / words/ new/ learn / and/ meaning/ their/ sentences / in . 13. of/ Snow White / is/ the/ main / story / character / the . 14. rode/ He/ a horse/ used/ and/ bamboo/ fight/ to / against / enemies/ the . 15. monkeys/ The/ jumped/ down / up / and / the/ on / trees . 16. practice / I / listening/ by / English / watching / cartoons/ TV / on. 17. He/ had/ a / party / big/ at / house’s / Nga / 18. His/ went/ family/ back / their / to / hometown / coach / by . 19.She / often / online/ chats / her / friends / in / Viet Nam /with. 20. They / back / came / late / evening/ the / in .

2 câu trả lời

1, Are you at school now ?

2, How many lessons do you have today ?

3, He has Vietnamese four times a week . 

4 , Do you read books in your free time ?

5,  We study past and present events in Vietnam and in the world history . 

6, You have this book when I can finish it . 

7, I study with a patner twice a week . 

8, Tuan learns read to English by reading English magazines . 

9, My parents live in a small village in the countryside . 

10, He goes to school to Saturday and except Sunday . 

11, We read short stories and write essays during Vietnamese lessons .

12, I learn new words in the meaning and write sentences .

13 , Snow White is the main character of the story . 

14, He used bamboo and rode a horse to fight against enemies . 

15, The monkeys jumped up and down on the trees . 

16, I practise listening by watching English cartoons on TV . 

17, He had a big party at Nga's house . 

18, His family went back to their hometown by coach . 

19, She often chats online with her friends in Viet Nam . 

20, They came back late in the evening . 

1, Are you at school now ?

2, How many lessons do you have today ?

3, He has Vietnamese four times a week . 

4 , Do you read books in your free time ?

5,  We study past and present events in Vietnam and in the world history . 

6, You have this book when I can finish it . 

7, I study with a patner twice a week . 

8, Tuan learns read to English by reading English magazines . 

9, My parents live in a small village in the countryside . 

10, He goes to school to Saturday and except Sunday . 

11, We read short stories and write essays during Vietnamese lessons .

12, I learn new words in the meaning and write sentences .

13 , Snow White is the main character of the story . 

14, He used bamboo and rode a horse to fight against enemies . 

15, The monkeys jumped up and down on the trees . 

16, I practise listening by watching English cartoons on TV . 

17, He had a big party at Nga's house . 

18, His family went back to their hometown by coach . 

19, She often chats online with her friends in Viet Nam . 

20, They came back late in the evening

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