1. trainee 2.Vietnamese 3. examin 4. guarantee 5. obese 6. Portuguese 7. degree 8 . interview 9. Cantonese 10. adopt 11. referee 12. computerese + Put the above words into correct rows. 1. Stressed the 2nd syllable - 2. Stressed the 3 rd syllable - 3. Stressed the 4th syllable

2 câu trả lời

Các từ có tận cùng bằng ee, ese có trọng âm rơi vào chính các đuôi này.

1. Stressed the 1st syllable


2. Stressed the 2nd syllable

   trainee, examine, obese, degree, adopt.

3. Stressed the 3rd syllable

   Vietnamese, guarantee, Portuguese, Cantonese, referee.

4. Stressed the 4th syllable


1. trainee , examine , obese , degree , adopt 

2. Vietnamese , guarantee , Portuguese , Cantonese, referee

3. computerese

=> interview : trọng âm rơi vào âm thứ nhất.

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