1. to the dentist/ go/ I/ tomorrow. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. tonight/ with/ have/ our business partner/ we/ dinner. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. on/ my holiday/ July/ begin/ 10th __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. depart/ the train/ at 11.30/ platform 5/ from/. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. to Africa/ you. When exactly/ fly/. __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. end/ when/ the art exhibition/. __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. go/ to the garden/ Miss Pitt/ on Sunday/. __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. at 9.45/as usual/ the plane/ take off/. __________________________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

1.I will go to the dentist tomorrow

2.we will have a dinner with our business partner tonight

3.my holiday begins on 10th

4.the train departs at 11.30 from platform 5

5.when exactly you will fly to Africa

6.when the art exhibition will end

7.Miss Pitt will go to the garden on sunday

8.the plane takes off at 9.45 as usual

1. I will go to the dentist tomorrow.

2. We will have dinner with our business partner tonight.

3. My holiday begins on July 10th.

4. The train departs at 11.30 from platform 5.

5. When exactly do you fly to Africa?

6. When will the art exhibition end?

7. Miss Pitt goes to the garden on Sunday.

8. The plane usually takes off at 9.45.

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