1. The river water is severely polluted, mostly________ the dumping of raw sewage. A. due to​​ B. lead to​ ​C. because​​​ D. so 2. Sudden changes in water temperature can ________ mass killings of fish, plants, or amphibians. A. come up​​ B. result in​​ C. dump into​ ​D. thank to 3. Water pollution________ the death of all forms of life in the water bodies. A. occurs​​ B. results of​​ C. creates​​ ​D. leads to 4. ________ plastic takes so long to break down, it pollutes the land and ocean. A. Because​​ B. Due to​ ​C. Even if​​​ D. Although 5. Many flights were cancelled ________ the smoke from forest fires. A. so​​​ B. because​​ C. because of​​ D. result in 6. ________the garbage dump smells terrible, no one lives around there. A. Because of ​B. As​​​ C. As a result of ​​ D. Even though 7. ________the grain consumption is rising, forests will be cut to provide more room for planting crops. A. since​​ B. Although​​ C. unless​​​ D. Due to 8. Grace didn’t love nature, ________ she wasn’t happy when her group went camping in a jungle. A. but​​​ B. and​​ C. because​​ ​D. so 9. Thousands of fish were killed ________ a discharge of poisonous Chemicals from a nearby factory. A. because​​ B. lead to​​ C. result in​​ ​D. as a result of 10. ________the fog, there were no take-oils from the airport yesterday. A. Since​​ B. Because ​​C. Owing to​​​ D. Thanks to 11. After the accident, many people were exposed________ radiation. A. from​​ B. at​​​ C.to​​​​ D. with 12. Light pollution has a wide range of negative effects________ human health. A. on​​ ​B. of​​ ​C. for​​​ ​D. to 13. ________can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep disturbances, and hearing problems. A. Air pollution ​ B. Light pollution ​C. Water pollution ​D. Noise pollution 14. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen________ the burning of fossil fuels. A. therefore​ ​B. because​​ C. in spite of​​ D.due to 15. If rubbish is non-biodegradable, it________ forever. A. exists​​ B. will exist​​ C. won’t exist​​ D. doesn’t exist 16. ________are Chemicals that are used to kill unwanted plants, such as weeds. A. Fertilizers​ B. Pesticides​ C. Herbicides​ ​D. Pollutants 17. There would be much less pollution________ people stopped using cars completely. A. if​​​ B. since​ ​C. when​​ ​D. although 18. Emissions of pollutants into the air can________ changes to the climate. A. get on​​ B. end up​​ C. go into​​​ D. result in 19. ________can we help save our environment? A. What​​ B. How​​ C. Why​​​ D. How much 20. If we care about plastic waste________. A. why won’t we stop drinking bottled water? ​B. we would use reusable shopping bags C. we will throw away plastic water bottles. ​​ D. why don’t we buy plastic bags? 21. Where is Disney World? A. Texas​ ​B. California​​ C. Florida​ ​D. Arizona 22. Which country is home to the kangaroo? A. Canada​​ B. New Zealand ​​C. The USA​​ D. Australia 23. Loch Ness, known for sightings of a monster called Nessie, is a large and deep lake in__________. A. Wales​​ B. North Ireland​ ​C. Scotland​​ D. England 24. Which City is in Canada? A. Montreal ​​B. Chicago​ ​​C. Melbourne​ D. Wellington 25. Britain is not famous for__________. A. Harvard University​​ ​​B. Arthur Conan Doyle C. Buckingham Palace​​​ ​D. William Shakespeare 26. Wanaka is one of the most visited and favoured towns in​. A. England​​ B. Singapore​ ​C. New Zealand​ D. Canada 27. What is the Symbol of New Zealand? A. a koala​​ B. a rooster​ ​​C. a kiwi ​​D. a bear 28. Which is not a State in the United States? A. Alaska​​ B. Washington DC.​ C. Michigan​​ D. New York 29. Which is the largest English speaking country? A. Cana​da ​B. The UK​ ​​C. The US​ ​D. Australia 30. __________ is in the City of Westminster, Central London. A. The Golden Gate Bridge​​​ B. The Statue of Liberty C. Canterbury Cathedral​​ ​​D. Trafalgar Square

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