1, the person............you want to see has just gone away 2,the girl......................was here yesterday has gone to paris 3,the flowers.................you bought yesterday are still fresh 4,the cat..................tail is long doesn't belong to me 5,she is the most honest friend............................i've ever had 6,the girl.....................mother i was talking to has left the room 7,all the people.................i met yesterday ,dislike him 8,what is that music........................you are listening to? 9,he sees men,women,cats,dogs and cars............................move round and round 10,the doctor................................she visited is very famous 11,that is the village......................i used to live 12,that is the day.............you came to visit me 13,that is the place.........................the car turned over 14,are those the reason...........................you went aboard? 15,tell me the reasons..........................he told you yesterday 16,let me see all the letters....................you have written 17,is there any one............................can help me do this? 18,mr brown,........................is only 34,is the director of this company 19,i know a place................roses grow in abundance 20,it was the nurse.........................told me to come in 21,the teacher with........................we studied last year no longer teaches in our school 22,they showed me the hospital...................buildings had been destroyed by us bombings 23,we saw many soldiers and tanks......................were moving to the front 24,dr.fleming...................discovered penicillin,was awarded the nobel prize for medicine in 1945 25,he joined the political party.................was in power 26,love,........................is a wonderful feeling comes to everyone at some time in his life 27,freedom is something for..................millions have given their lives 28,it is easy to find faults in people.......................we dislike 29,the really happy people are those.........................enjoy their daily work 30,we must find a time...............we can meet and a place....................we can talk

1 câu trả lời

1, whom

2, who

3, which

4, whose

5, that

6, whose

7, whom

8, which

9, that

10, whom

11, where

12, which/ when

13, where

14, why

15, why

16, which

17, that

18. who

19, whose

20, who

21, whom

22, whose

23, that

24, who

25, which

26, which

27, which

28, whom

29, that

30, where