1. The Golden Gate in San Francisco is an......... of this famous city. unique icon symbolize 2. Alaska is perhaps the most .... state in the USA. It has over three million lakes. puzzling festive amazing 3. The old tradition of first -footing is still practised today in .......... Scottish Scots Scotland 4. In Canada, the serving of coffee at the end of an evening is a signal that it is time for ...... to leave. visitors tourists holiday makers 5. The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by ....... their noses. punching touching blowing 6. Australia is composed of seven ............ nations countries states 7. There is a red maple leaf on the .......... of Canada. flag banner money Rewrite the sentences using the word in the blank: 8. Did you always eat sweets when you were small? (use) 9. Although Henry is a millionaire, he hates spending money. (despite

1 câu trả lời

1. icon


3. Scotland

4. visitors

5. touching

6. states

7. flag

8 Did you use to eat sweets when you were small? 

9. Despite being a millionaire, Henry hates spending money.  

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