1 she promises she ___ back in about half an hour a/ is b/ be c/ has been d/ will be 2 ___i do the washing-up?- no thanks. i can do it myself a/ can b/ would c/ shall d/ won't 3 the pyramid of cheaps is one of the seven ___ of the world a/ pyramids b/ temples c/ landmarks d/ wonders 4 i can see a boy___ a water buffalo a/ ride b/ riding c/ to ride d/ rode 5 it's ___ to travel around Vietnam a/ interesting b/ interested c/ interestingly d/ interestedly 6 ___ you mind if i smoke ? a/ could b/ don't c/ do d/would

2 câu trả lời

1. D

2 . A

3 . D

4 . B

5 . A

6 . D

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