1 . She prefers staying at home to going out -> She'd 2. How far is it from your house to the nearest market? -> What 3. Although he was tired , he magaged to finish the marathon race -> In spite of 4 In spite of having to work the next day , Tom wathed films on DVD till midnight . -> Even though

2 câu trả lời

`1.`She'd rather stay at home than go out.

`=>`S + prefer(s) + Ving + to Ving : Ai thích làm gì hơn làm gì...

`=`S + would rather + V bare + than + V bare

- Tạm dịch : Cô ấy thích ở nhà hơn là đi ra ngoài.

`2.`What is the distance between your house and the nearest market ?

`=>`How far is it from + place + to + place ?

`=`What is the distance + between + place + and + place ?

`3.`In spite of being tired, he managed to finish the marathon race.

`=>`Although `=`Eventhough `=`Though + S + V, S + V : Mặc dù...

`=`Despite/In spite of + N/Ving, S + V

`4.`Eventhough Tom had to work the next day, he watched films on DVD till midnight.

`=>`Although `=`Eventhough `=`Though + S + V, S + V : Mặc dù...

`=`Despite/In spite of + N/Ving, S + V

`@` Answer :

1, She'd rather stay at home than go out.

+ Cấu trúc : S  + prefer (chia thì) V-ing to V-ing = S  would rather/S'd rather +  V inf than V inf : S thích làm gì hơn làm gì

2, What is the distance between your house and the nearest market ?

+ Cấu trúc hỏi về khoảng cách : How far is it from địa điểm 1 to địa điểm 2 ? = What is the distance between địa điểm 1 and địa điểm 2 ?

3, In spite of being tired , he magaged to finish the marathon race.

4, Even though Tom had to work the next day , Tom wathed films on DVD till midnight .

- Khi viết lại câu từ dạng Despite/In spite of + V-ing/cụm N  ( mặc dù) sang Although/Even though/ though + 1 mệnh đề ( mặc dù) : 

`*` Với dạng cùng chủ ngữ, bỏ đuôi ing ở V mà chia theo thì ở V vế sau, thêm chủ ngữ.

`*` Với dạng khác chủ ngữ, lấy N làm chủ ngữ, vì chắc chắn cụm N có Adj nên lấy động từ là tobe.