1: People have developed many different paper products 2:He asked us many difficult question 3:They must widen the road soon 4:She advised me to reuse milk bottles 5:My sister cleans these rooms everyday 6:Wastes have caused a lot of pollution 7:When does he usually do his homework? 8:My father planted this tree 9:He hasn^t collected the rubbish 10:Are people using recycled paper ? Dạng bị động

2 câu trả lời

1. People have developed many different paper products.

Many different paper products have been developed.

2. He asked us many difficult question.

Many difficult questions were asked us by him.

3. They must widen the road soon.

The road must be widened by them soon.

4. She advised me to reuse milk bottles.

I was advised to reuse milk bottlesn by her.

5. My sister cleans these rooms everyday.

These room is cleaned by my sister every day.

6. Wastes have caused a lot of pollution.

A lot of pollution has been caused by wastes.

7. When does he usually do his homework?

When is his homework usually done by him ?

8. My father planted this tree.

This tree was planted by my father.

9. He hasn't collected the rubbish.

The rubbish hasn't been collected by him.

10. Are people using recycled paper?

Are recycled paper being used?

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