1. my house is very far _______ school. 2. Some students sit in the canteen and wait _ _ _ their parents. 3. It’s very _ _ _ in summer. 4. I have __ books than she does. ( little/ few / less/ fewer ) 5. Are there any __ of milk in the kitchen? (bottles/ kilos / pieces/ tube ) 6. Why do you want to go to the market?- ____ I want to do some shopping. 7. Which is __, London or Tokyo?(the biggest/ bigger / bigger than / the big ) 8. First, I need to take your tem_ _ _ _ture. 9. The boy looks thin , __ he is strong. (and / for / or / but ) 10. __ milk does your brother drink? (how much/how many/ how long/ how often ) 11. this winter /What are you /going /to do /holiday?/ 12. you receive/ when /would you feel /How/ a present from Harry?/ 13. there are two hund_ _ _ pencils in this large box. 14. What time __ you tomorrow? (is she going to visit/visit she/she does visit/she visits ) 15. My sister is a nurse. She works in a __________. 16. There isn’t _ _ _ cooking oil in the bottle. 17. We can se wild animals in the _ _ _ . 18. __ do you have Music lesson?- On Monday.( when/ how/ how often/ which ) 19. My h_ _ _ is the blue house between the green one and the which one. 20. Nam /questions. /can /those/ answer/ 21. to listen/ to music/ a stereo/ use/ We/ 22. invite to the party/ are you /on /How many /people/ going to/ Sunday?/ 23. we would like to go to Hoi An this summer vaca_ _ _ _. 24. __ you mind if I smoke? ( could / don’t / do / would ) 25. Some old people are walking _ _ _ _ _ the street. 26. Odd one out : store work walk short 27. The word for the number 15 is __ ( twenty/ eleven / fifteen/ twelve ) 28. You __ play with the knife. It may hurt you.( can’t /don’t/ aren’t / shouldn’t) 29. very /They /hard./ all /work/ 30. many wild animals are __ danger because of pollution.(to / for / at / in ) 31. what do you and Nga often do af_ _ _ school?- we play tennis. 32. his small field. /a few /vegetables in /grows /This farmer/ 33. when you see a dripping faucet, please __ it off. ( leave / pick / turn / destroy ) 34. __ usually learn things from __.( boy-his father/boys-his father/boys-their fathers/the boys-his fathers) 35. Sports are very good for our __.( healthy / unhealthy/ health / healthily) 36. Mary and __ would like to go to the movies. ( me/ my / mine / I ) 37. I often/ morning. /shower/ take a/in the/ 38. Which of these vegetables is not green? ( carrot / cabbage / lettuce / peas ) 39. more expensive/ in this city is/ than /Everything /its neighborhood./ 40. very /under water/ difficult?/ swimming/ Is/ 41. __ are the crayons?- they are yellow. ( what/ what’s/ what colour/ how ) 42. Their children want to go __ this winter. ( ski/ to ski / skiing / sking ) 43. A note to inform you are ill is a _ _ _ _ note. 44. The sign says “ _ _ smoking “. You can’t smoke here. 45. Peter plays football __ than my brother. ( good / worst / the best / better ) 46. My cousin is the best badminton _ _ _ _ _ _ in his team. 47. Look ! The train __. (comes/ coming/ is coming/ is going to come ) 48. You can’t speak to Tim at the moment because he is _______ to his mother. 49. My friend goes to school by motorbike, but I __.(doesn’t/ don’t/ goes/ does ) 50. Because I __ mistakes, my teacher gets angry with me.(am always having/have got/am always making/ making ) 51. Odd one out: sun snowy cloud wind 52. Disney Park is an interesting place for _________. 53. Who are they speaking _ _ ? – their boss. 54. her sisters./than /has /fewer holidays /Nicky/ 55. Miss Camille often __ on Sunday.(stays house/stays at home/ stays on home/stays at house) 56. Odd one out: swimming aerobics jogging piano 57. She likes sports. She always _______ aerobics everyday. 58. She gets /6 o’clock/ morning./ up/ at /every/ 59. on my next birthday. /me /a new watch/ going to buy /Dad is/ 60. she never stays _ _ late. She often goes to bed early. 61. are two/ orange/ juice?/ bottle of/ How much/ 62. at 6/ start to work /the morning./ in /These farmers/ often/ 63. john doesn’t want to work __ his house. ( next / besides/ front of/ far from ) 64. mary is sitting __________ Tom and John. 65. hide-and-seek /play /and your friends/ Do you/ at/ break time?/ 66. exercise book./ the answers/ Write/ your/ in/ 67. have a chance/ Mary and Tom/ their holidays/ to spend /on a farm./ 68. whichs sentence is correct? a.She reads newspapers 3 times a week b.She reads newspapers third times a week c.She reads newspapers third times a week d.She reads newspapers 3 time a week 69. to Hanoi./ there are/ Every week/ two/ flights/ 70. of the /is /microwave./ in front/ The dog/ 71. a good/ at school?/ Is/ Mai /student/ 72. why does the world need more f_ _ _ and land? 73. The chickens produce a lot of __. ( eggs/ fruits / pork / beef ) 74. I’d like vegetable soup and fried c_ _ _ _ _ _ , please. 75. is /of /Copenhagen /Denmark. /the capital/

1 câu trả lời

1. from
2. for
3. hot
4. fewer
5. bottles
6. Because
7. bigger than
8. temprature
9. but
10. How much
11. what are you going to do this winter holiday?
12. How would you feel when you recieve a present from Harry?
13. hundreds
14. is she going to visit
15. hospital
16. any
17. zoo
18. When
19. house
20. Nam can answer those questions.
21. We use a stereo to listen to music.
22. How many people are you going to invite to the party on Sunday?
23. vacation
24. Would
25. along
26. walk
27. fifteen
28. shouldn't
29. they all work very hard.
30. in
31. after
32. This farmer grows a few vegetables in his small field.
33. turn
34. the boys-his fathers
35. health
36. I
37. I often take a shower in the morning.
38. carrot
39. Everything in this city is more expensive than its neighborhood.
40. Is swimming under water very difficult?
41. what colour
42. to ski
43. sick
44. No
45. better
46. player
47. is coming
48. talking
49. don't
50. am always having
51. snowy
52. children
53. to
54. Nicky has fewer holiday than her sisters.
55. stays at home
56. piano
57. do
58. She gets up at 6 o'clock every morning.
59. Dad is going to buy a new watch on my next birthday.
60. up
61. How much are two bottles of orange juice?
62. These farmers often start to work at 6 in the morning.
63. far from
64. between
65. Do you play hide-and-seek with your friends at break time?
66. Write the answers in your exercise book.
67. Mary and Tom have a chance to spend their holidays on a farm.
68. a
69. Every week there are two flights to Hanoi.
70. The dog is in front of the microwave.
71. Is Mai a good student at school? 
72. food
73. eggs
74. chicken 
75. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. 

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