1. __________is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. (literate) 2. Show teenagers that you respect their by knocking on their bedroom door. (private) 3. Reality TV has been a very successful form of mass . (entertain) 4. The ________ needs to know what rocks the drill has reached. (geology) 5. It‟s difficult to with a negative people who will do nothing to help themselves. (sympathy) 6. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly landmark. (recognize) 7. She pretends that she knows all about the latest films and art , but it‟s all a pose. (exhibit) 8. The company produces computers in with a German firm. (cooperate) 9. He is a pleasant child, but often rowdy, and rough with others. (obey) 10. My biggest weakness was my lack of sympathy or_________for in competence. (tolerate) 11. Although they never get angry, they are not always kind or . (tolerate) 12. Local officials have been very on working together for a solution. (cooperate) 13. I tried to tell her about the awful day I‟d had, but she wasn‟t very . (sympathy) 14. Students are expected to be quiet and in the classroom. (obey) 15. Boeing sells a third of its aircraft overseas, making it the biggest in the United States. (export) 16. I see people who have opportunities I don‟t have, and I get . (envy) 17. In the past, Hanoians often went to areas by tram, which was a very famous system. (suburb) 18. She has a small office that is used for discussions. (privacy) 19. Some ministers expressed that they could no longer travel first class. (astonish) 20. We were greatly at the news of their safe return. (relief) Sẽ cho 5*, giúp mình với

2 câu trả lời

1, Illiteracy

2, privacy

3, entertainment

4, geologist

5, sympathize

6, recognizable

7, exhibitions

8, cooperation

9, disobedient

10, tolerance

11, intolerant

12, cooperative

13, sympathetic

14, obedient

15, exporter

16, envious

17, suburban

18, private

19, astonishingly

20, relieved

1, Illiteracy

2, privacy

3, entertainment

4, geologist

5, sympathize

6, recognizable

7, exhibitions

8, cooperation

9, disobedient

10, tolerance

11, intolerant

12, cooperative

13, sympathetic

14, obedient

15, exporter

16, envious

17, suburban

18, private

19, astonishingly

20, relieved

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