1. In Canada, New Year’s Day ____________ a long tradition of celebration. (have) 2. First names ____________ used more frequently in Australia than in other countries. (be) 3. Recently, many places in New Zealand ________ called with two names – one English, one Maori. (be) 4. Maori people ___________ the hongi – touching noses – to greet people they _________ safe and familiar with. (use-feel) 5. Since its beginning more than a century ago, the slouch hat ___________ one of the most distinctive items of Australian clothing. (become) 6. For over 130 years, Akubra hats ___________ its legendary stories in Australia. (make) 7. Aberdeen in Scotland _____________ an important centre for the oil industry since the finding of oil in the North Sea. (become) 8. Canada ___________ the longest land border in the world with the United States. (share) 9. Ireland ___________ the Eurovision Song Contest seven times. (win) 10. In Canada you should maintain eye contact while you __________ lands. (shake)

2 câu trả lời

$\color{red}{\text{1. has}}$

$\color{green}{\text{2. are}}$

$\color{blue}{\text{3. ared}}$

$\color{silver}{\text{4. use / feel}}$

$\color{pink}{\text{5. has become}}$

$\color{brown}{\text{6. have made}}$

$\color{purple}{\text{7. becomes}}$

$\color{yellow}{\text{8. shares}}$

$\color{black}{\text{9. has won}}$

$\color{gold}{\text{10. are shaking}}$

1. Has

2. Are

3.has been

4 use- feel


6.has made

7.has become

8. Has shared

9. Won

10. Are shaking

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