1. I __________________ Peter tonight. He __________________ us to a restaurant. (meet/ take) 2. The ferry ________________ at 9.00 from Dover and _______________ at 10.45 in Calais. (leave, land) 3. My parents _______________ their wedding anniversary next Sunday. They _____________ to Paris (celebrate, go) 4. I ________________________ a lecture this afternoon. And I _________ tomorrow either. (not give, not teach) 5. Why ______ the exhibition ___________ tomorrow? When _____ it _____________ place instead? (not open, take) 6. How _________ you ____________to the party tonight? _____________ you _____________ a bus? (get, catch)

2 câu trả lời

1. Will meet _ will take 

2. Left _ land

3. Will celebrate _ are going 

4. Don't give _ won't teach 

5. Not _ open _ will _take 

6. Will _ get _ Will _ catch

1,am going to meet/is going to take


3,are going to celebrate/are going

4, won't give/won't teach


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