1. I must go now.I promised _______________ late. (not being / not to be / to not be / I won’t be) 2. Tom ______________ his hand when he was cooking the dinner. (burnt / was burning / has burnt / burns) 3. She asked me _____________ a driving licence. (if I have / whether I have / if I had / whether I have had) 4. Have you decide where ___________for your holidays ? ( going / to go / will you go / you went) 5. The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven ____________ of the world. (Pyramids / temples / landmarks / wonders) 6. My father used _______ a lot , but now we stop ___________. (to smoke , smoking / to smoking , smoking / to smoke , to smoke / smoking , smoking) 7. I’m sure _____________there are no trains from HN on Saturday.( if, that, whether, what ) 8. In order to keep fit , we should do exercises _____________. (regular / regularly / regulating / regulation) 9. Many people ___________ that were other wonders , which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about. (blame / wonde / claim / suggest) 10. She is always asking me if the Greet Wall of China ___________ one of the wonders of the world. (is / was / will be / has been) 1. Millions of Christmas cards _____________every year.(send / are sent / are sending / was sent) 2. First prize was awarded _____________ Jackie Stevens , the smallest girl on the team. (with / on / for / to) 3. He had his father ____________his Christmas card.(decorated/decorating/to decorate/decorate) 4. I saw him ______________ the flowers in the garden. (watering / watered / be watered / is watering) 5. Paul is said ____________ the brightest student in the class. (was / to be / being / he was) 6. A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called ___________ contest. (water-fetch / fetching-water / water-fetching / fetch-water) 7. The poem , ____________ by Clement Clarke Moore , became popular in the USA. (that is written / which id written / which was written / that was written) 8. They tried to make a fire by ___________ pieces of bamboo together. (adding / separating / rubbing / taking) 1. When we were in Italy , we spent a few days __________ Venice. (at / on / in / to) 2. They are good friends.They ______________ each other for a long time. (know / have known / knew / were knowing) 3. How about ___________ to Thai Binh Market ? (going / to go / went / gone) 4. “What ____________ in New York ? “ – “It’s very clod and humid” (the weather like / does the weather like / the weather is like / is the weather like) 5. “_______ to come and have dinner with us ? “ – “I’d love to but I’m busy” (Do you like / Would you mind / Would you like / Could you please) 6. Can you tell me where ___________ ?(she does / does she / she is / is she) 7. I was reading while my sisters _____________ with their dolls. (played / were playing / have played / would play) 8. Mount Rushmore _____________ from more than 100 kilometers away. (saw / can see / was seen / can be seen) 9.Geogre showed me some pictures ______by his father .(paint / painting / painted / that painted) 10. We were having dinner when the phone ___________.(ring / rang / was ringing / has rung) 1.What can we do to prevent people ___________ throwing drink cans away ?(in / of / on / from) 2. We haven’t seen each other _________ last January.(for / since / on / in) 3. Are you free ___________ Tuesday evening ? (in / at / on / for) 4. Attempts to___________him failed and he died soon afterward.(revive /return /revise / reward) 5. Compost is a wonderful natural ___________.(substance / material / garbage / fertilizer ) 6. All this unnecessary _________creats so much waste.(pack / package / packing / packaging) 7. We have to get up early ____________ late for class . (so as to be / so that not to be / so as not to be / in order not to be) 8. Chicago is __________ right on the shore of Lake Michigan. (placed / situated / laid / set) 9. We are all _____________ that you passed your English exam.Congratulation! (delighted / relieved / afraid / certain) 10. Excuse me ! I’m doing my homework.______________ turning down your radio a bit ? (Would you mind / Can you / Would you please / Could you)

1 câu trả lời

1 to not be

2 was burning

3if I have

4will you go


6smoking , smoking





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