1. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng dạng thức tương lai đơn của động từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc. Anna is a beautiful twenty-year-old girl. She asked a fortune teller about her future. Here is what the fortune teller told her. 1.You (be) ……..…….very lucky and happy. 2.You (get) …………… a well-paid job. 3.You (travel) …………….to several places around the world. 4.You (meet) ………………..your future husband soon. 5.You (marry) ………………….him. 6.You and your husband (go) ……………………to Paris on your honeymoon. 7.Your friends (admire) ………………you. 8.I (help) ………………..you when you get into trouble. 9.Everything (be) …………………perfect. 10. But all these things (only happen) ……..if you agree to be my daughter-in-law. 2. Chuyển các câu sau sang câu hỏi. 1.She’ll come tomorrow. 2.He will help her with her homework. 3.They will bake some more cakes. 4.It will be very hot this summer. 5.David will call his teacher next week. 6.April will win this game. 7.He won’t believe us. 8.It will snow at Christmas. 9.She will tell the truth. 10. I will change my job.

2 câu trả lời


1,will be                 2,will get                        3,will travel

4,will meet             5,will marry                    6,will go

7,will admire          8,will help                      9,will be

10,will only happen



1. will be

2. will get

3. will travel

4. will meet

5. will marry

6. will go

7. will admire

8. will help

9. will be

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