1. Dylan isn’t going to spend the night here. intend Dylan .................................................................................... the night here. 2. The judges will announce the winner any moment now. about The judges .................................................................................... the winner. 3. The President will announce his resignation very soon. point The President is .............................................................................. his resignation. 4. Elizabeth thinks she will travel to Africa next year. hopes Elizabeth .................................................................................... to Africa next year. 5. Charles isn’t going to write his essay tonight. plan Charles .................................................................................... his essay tonight. 6. They must not begin without me. are They .................................................................................... without me. 7. The police are going to stop the search very soon. about The police .................................................................................... the search. 8. Clarissa is having her operation in three weeks. due Clarissa ........................................................................ her operation in three weeks.

2 câu trả lời

1, Dylan doesn’t intend to spend the night here.

2, The judges are about to announce the winner.

3, The president is on the point of announcing his resignation.

4, Elizabeth hopes to travel to Africa next year.

5, Charles doesn’t plan to write his essay tonight.

6, They are not allowed to begin without me.

7, The police are about to stop the search.

8, Clarissa is due to have her operation in three weeks.

1.Dylan doesn’t intend to spend the night here.

2.The judges are about to announce the winner.

3.The president is on the point of announcing his resignation.

4.Elizabeth hopes to travel to Africa next year.

5.Charles doesn’t plan to write his essay tonight.

6.They are not allowed to begin without me.

7.The police are about to stop the search.

8.Clarissa is due to have her operation in three weeks.

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