1. complete the sentence by filling in a cause or an effecf as required a. Melanie did not go to school yesterday because............... b. Due to............, Jason was late for work again c. If.................., there won't be enogh space in the car for each d. Mai work late every Friday so that................

2 câu trả lời

1. complete the sentence by filling in a cause or an effect as required

a. Melanie did not go to school yesterday because she was sick.

b. Due to the traffic jam, Jason was late for work again

c. If all of her children come in, there won't be enough space in the car for each

d. Mai works late every Friday so that she is very tired

a, she was sick.

b, the traffic jam.

c, there are too much people in a car.

d, she goes home late too.

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