1. comment/ accent/ In/ on/ Australia/ a/ mustn't/ you/ person's 2. important/ must/ is/ the/ in/ Tet/ Viet Nam/ festival 3. table/ is/ whole/ When/ come/ having/ the/ I/ family/ dinner/ big/ a 4. They/ Children/ can/ because/ like/ Tet/ money/ lucky/ receive 5. get/ before/ leaving/ table/ Children/ to/ perinission/ have/ dinning/ the 6. monks/ have/ touching/ to/ Women/ ound

2 câu trả lời

câu 1 : In Australia, you mustn't comment on a  person's  accent

cau 2:  TET in VIET NAM must the festival is importain

cau 3: 

cau4:Children like TET because they can receive lucky money

cau 5:

cau 6

 xin lỗi câu 3, 5 ,6 vượt quá trình độ của em vì em chỉ là học sinh lớp 6 thôi ạ . Nếu có gì sai sót mong anh chị sẽ sửa lại giùm em 

$1$. In Australia, you mustn't comment on a person's accent

$2$. Tet must be the important festival in Viet Nam

$3$. When I came,the whole family is having dinner around a big dining table?

$4$. Children like Tet beacause they can receive lucky money.

$5$. Children have to get permission before leaving the dinning table
