1. At the beginning of the experiment, the chemicals ... (place) in the beaker. 2. In medieval times the earth ... (believe) to be flat 3. Up until now students ... (allow) to wear what they want, but the new head-teacher has decided to introduce a uniform. 4. I can't drive you to the airport because my car ... (service) tomorrow. 5. Next year the new theatre ... (open) by some of Britain's biggest acting stars. 6. It ... (expect) that the President will resign due to the recent revelations. 7. Chooclate ... (make) from the bean of the cacao tree. 8. This report ... (claim) that there is corruption throughout the company. 9. Several students ... (know) to have cheated in their exams. 10. People need ... (encourage) to use public transport if we want to reduce our carbon emissions. 11. I went on holiday because I really needed ... (take) a break.

2 câu trả lời

1 will have been placed

2 was believed 

3 have been allowed

4 is being serviced

5 will be opened

6 is expected

7 is made

8 is claimed

9 are known

10 encouraging / to be encouraged

11 to take

1. took place (diễn ra)

2. was believed

3. have been allowed

4. will be serviced

5. will be opened

6. is expected

7. is made

8. claims

9. are known

10. encouraging hoặc to be encouraged

11. to take