1. Acid rain can lead .... at mospheric pollution a, or b,to c,in d, from 2. .....the soil is to dry, many kinds of trees can't grow here a,owing to b,due to c,since d,because of 3. holes in ozone layer can... in skin cancer a, lead b, result c, cause d,make 4, poeple ... suffer from noise pollution if they ... an airport in the erea a,will / build b,will/built c.won't/built d,wouldn't/ build 5.If we ... all waste more carefully, dangerous chemicals ... get into water supply a,treated/ would b, treat/ would c,treated/won't d,treat/ won't

2 câu trả lời






1. b

2. c

3. b

4. c (là build chứ không phải built)

5. d

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