Câu hỏi:
1 năm trước

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

As most potential ecotourist sites are inhabited by ethnic minorities, the principle of “encouraging community participation in ecotourism activities” should both create income and help maintain cultural identity. These communities have a deep understanding of traditional festivals, cultivation and land use customs, traditional lifestyle and handicrafts, and historical places. A trip to the limestone mountain of Cao Bang - Bac Kan, for example, is valuable not only for the Ba Be Lake, but for the opportunity to learn about cultivation customs, dying practices using endemic plants to produce brocading, and traditional handmade boats of precious timber collected in the forest.

Because ecotourism is important for environmental education, maintenance of indigenous culture, and local economic development, both investment and government encouragement are required.

One research shows that 90 percent of ecotourist guides lack environmental knowledge about the flora, fauna, and natural resources in the area, and 88 percent would benefit from ecotourism guidebooks written especially for them. An illustration of wasted potential caused by this lack of training is Ha Long Bay, a world heritage site with immense environmental value - coral reefs, limestone mountains, thousands of flora and fauna species of high biodiversity, and rich cultural identity. But tourists in Ha Long Bay are presently visiting only the Bay and some caves, not accessing environmental information or local cultural activities. In general, the full potential of ecotourism has not yet been reached.

International visitors to Viet Nam often like to visit ethnic minority villages to observe the culture, meet local people, and participate in traditional activities. The ethnic minorities who live in or near nature reserves maintain distinctive lifestyles, cultural identities, and traditional customs. These features are part of the real value of ecotourism. However, local people are not much involved in ecotourism.

In addition, local people still live in poverty, their life closely associates with natural resources. The economic benefits of ecotourism need to be shared with them, but this will not happen without community participation.

The word “distinctive” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_______.

Trả lời bởi giáo viên

Đáp án đúng: c

distinctive (adj): đặc biệt, khác biệt

staying the same for a long time: giữ nguyên trong một khoảng thời gian dài

easily understood: được hiểu một cách dễ dàng

clearly different from others: khác biệt rõ ràng so với những cái còn lại

close to nature: gần gũi với thiên nhiên

=> distinctive = clearly different from others

Vì hầu hết các điểm du lịch sinh thái tiềm năng là nơi sinh sống của đồng bào dân tộc thiểu số, nguyên tắc “khuyến khích cộng đồng tham gia vào các hoạt động du lịch sinh thái” nên vừa tạo thu nhập và giúp duy trì bản sắc văn hóa. Những cộng đồng này có một sự hiểu biết sâu sắc về các lễ hội truyền thống, trồng trọt và phong tục sử dụng đất, lối sống truyền thống và thủ công mỹ nghệ, và những địa điểm lịch sử. Ví dụ, một chuyến đi đến núi đá vôi Cao Bằng - Bắc Kạn có giá trị không chỉ đối với hồ Ba Bể mà còn là cơ hội để tìm hiểu về phong tục trồng trọt, nhuộm vải bằng cách sử dụng những loài thực vật địa phương để sản xuất thổ cẩm và thuyền thủ công truyền thống từ gỗ quý thu được trong rừng.

Bởi vì du lịch sinh thái là quan trọng đối với giáo dục môi trường, duy trì văn hóa bản địa, và phát triển kinh tế địa phương, cần thiết phải có sự đầu tư và khuyến khích của chính phủ.

Một nghiên cứu cho thấy 90% hướng dẫn viên du lịch sinh thái thiếu kiến ​​thức về môi trường, hệ thực vật, động vật và tài nguyên thiên nhiên trong khu vực và 88% phải nhờ vào sách hướng dẫn du lịch sinh thái đặc biệt dành cho họ. Một minh chứng về tiềm năng lãng phí do thiếu đào tạo này là Vịnh Hạ Long, một di sản thế giới có giá trị môi trường rất lớn - rạn san hô, núi đá vôi, hàng ngàn loài thực vật và động vật có tính đa dạng sinh học cao và bản sắc văn hóa phong phú. Nhưng khách du lịch ở Vịnh Hạ Long hiện nay chỉ ghé thăm Vịnh và một số hang động, không tiếp cận thông tin môi trường hoặc các hoạt động văn hóa địa phương. Nhìn chung, tiềm năng đầy đủ của du lịch sinh thái vẫn chưa đạt được.

Khách quốc tế đến Việt Nam thường thích viếng thăm các làng dân tộc thiểu số để quan sát văn hóa, gặp gỡ người dân địa phương và tham gia vào các hoạt động truyền thống. Các dân tộc thiểu số sống trong hoặc gần khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên duy trì lối sống đặc biệt, bản sắc văn hóa và phong tục truyền thống. Những tính năng này là một phần của giá trị thực sự của du lịch sinh thái. Tuy nhiên, người dân địa phương không tham gia nhiều vào du lịch sinh thái.

Ngoài ra, người dân địa phương vẫn sống trong nghèo đói, cuộc sống của họ gắn liền với tài nguyên thiên nhiên. Lợi ích kinh tế của du lịch sinh thái cần phải được chia sẻ với họ, nhưng điều này sẽ không xảy ra nếu không có sự tham gia của cộng đồng.

Hướng dẫn giải:

distinctive (adj) : đặc biệt, khác biệt 

Câu hỏi khác

Câu 1:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

As most potential ecotourist sites are inhabited by ethnic minorities, the principle of “encouraging community participation in ecotourism activities” should both create income and help maintain cultural identity. These communities have a deep understanding of traditional festivals, cultivation and land use customs, traditional lifestyle and handicrafts, and historical places. A trip to the limestone mountain of Cao Bang - Bac Kan, for example, is valuable not only for the Ba Be Lake, but for the opportunity to learn about cultivation customs, dying practices using endemic plants to produce brocading, and traditional handmade boats of precious timber collected in the forest.

Because ecotourism is important for environmental education, maintenance of indigenous culture, and local economic development, both investment and government encouragement are required.

One research shows that 90 percent of ecotourist guides lack environmental knowledge about the flora, fauna, and natural resources in the area, and 88 percent would benefit from ecotourism guidebooks written especially for them. An illustration of wasted potential caused by this lack of training is Ha Long Bay, a world heritage site with immense environmental value - coral reefs, limestone mountains, thousands of flora and fauna species of high biodiversity, and rich cultural identity. But tourists in Ha Long Bay are presently visiting only the Bay and some caves, not accessing environmental information or local cultural activities. In general, the full potential of ecotourism has not yet been reached.

International visitors to Viet Nam often like to visit ethnic minority villages to observe the culture, meet local people, and participate in traditional activities. The ethnic minorities who live in or near nature reserves maintain distinctive lifestyles, cultural identities, and traditional customs. These features are part of the real value of ecotourism. However, local people are not much involved in ecotourism.

In addition, local people still live in poverty, their life closely associates with natural resources. The economic benefits of ecotourism need to be shared with them, but this will not happen without community participation.

An eco tour to the region of ethnic minorities is very valuable because tourists _______.

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Câu 2:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

As most potential ecotourist sites are inhabited by ethnic minorities, the principle of “encouraging community participation in ecotourism activities” should both create income and help maintain cultural identity. These communities have a deep understanding of traditional festivals, cultivation and land use customs, traditional lifestyle and handicrafts, and historical places. A trip to the limestone mountain of Cao Bang - Bac Kan, for example, is valuable not only for the Ba Be Lake, but for the opportunity to learn about cultivation customs, dying practices using endemic plants to produce brocading, and traditional handmade boats of precious timber collected in the forest.

Because ecotourism is important for environmental education, maintenance of indigenous culture, and local economic development, both investment and government encouragement are required.

One research shows that 90 percent of ecotourist guides lack environmental knowledge about the flora, fauna, and natural resources in the area, and 88 percent would benefit from ecotourism guidebooks written especially for them. An illustration of wasted potential caused by this lack of training is Ha Long Bay, a world heritage site with immense environmental value - coral reefs, limestone mountains, thousands of flora and fauna species of high biodiversity, and rich cultural identity. But tourists in Ha Long Bay are presently visiting only the Bay and some caves, not accessing environmental information or local cultural activities. In general, the full potential of ecotourism has not yet been reached.

International visitors to Viet Nam often like to visit ethnic minority villages to observe the culture, meet local people, and participate in traditional activities. The ethnic minorities who live in or near nature reserves maintain distinctive lifestyles, cultural identities, and traditional customs. These features are part of the real value of ecotourism. However, local people are not much involved in ecotourism.

In addition, local people still live in poverty, their life closely associates with natural resources. The economic benefits of ecotourism need to be shared with them, but this will not happen without community participation.

Ecotourism can bring all the following benefits EXCEPT_______.

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Câu 3:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

As most potential ecotourist sites are inhabited by ethnic minorities, the principle of “encouraging community participation in ecotourism activities” should both create income and help maintain cultural identity. These communities have a deep understanding of traditional festivals, cultivation and land use customs, traditional lifestyle and handicrafts, and historical places. A trip to the limestone mountain of Cao Bang - Bac Kan, for example, is valuable not only for the Ba Be Lake, but for the opportunity to learn about cultivation customs, dying practices using endemic plants to produce brocading, and traditional handmade boats of precious timber collected in the forest.

Because ecotourism is important for environmental education, maintenance of indigenous culture, and local economic development, both investment and government encouragement are required.

One research shows that 90 percent of ecotourist guides lack environmental knowledge about the flora, fauna, and natural resources in the area, and 88 percent would benefit from ecotourism guidebooks written especially for them. An illustration of wasted potential caused by this lack of training is Ha Long Bay, a world heritage site with immense environmental value - coral reefs, limestone mountains, thousands of flora and fauna species of high biodiversity, and rich cultural identity. But tourists in Ha Long Bay are presently visiting only the Bay and some caves, not accessing environmental information or local cultural activities. In general, the full potential of ecotourism has not yet been reached.

International visitors to Viet Nam often like to visit ethnic minority villages to observe the culture, meet local people, and participate in traditional activities. The ethnic minorities who live in or near nature reserves maintain distinctive lifestyles, cultural identities, and traditional customs. These features are part of the real value of ecotourism. However, local people are not much involved in ecotourism.

In addition, local people still live in poverty, their life closely associates with natural resources. The economic benefits of ecotourism need to be shared with them, but this will not happen without community participation.

Tourist guides who lack environmental knowledge can’t_______.

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Câu 4:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

As most potential ecotourist sites are inhabited by ethnic minorities, the principle of “encouraging community participation in ecotourism activities” should both create income and help maintain cultural identity. These communities have a deep understanding of traditional festivals, cultivation and land use customs, traditional lifestyle and handicrafts, and historical places. A trip to the limestone mountain of Cao Bang - Bac Kan, for example, is valuable not only for the Ba Be Lake, but for the opportunity to learn about cultivation customs, dying practices using endemic plants to produce brocading, and traditional handmade boats of precious timber collected in the forest.

Because ecotourism is important for environmental education, maintenance of indigenous culture, and local economic development, both investment and government encouragement are required.

One research shows that 90 percent of ecotourist guides lack environmental knowledge about the flora, fauna, and natural resources in the area, and 88 percent would benefit from ecotourism guidebooks written especially for them. An illustration of wasted potential caused by this lack of training is Ha Long Bay, a world heritage site with immense environmental value - coral reefs, limestone mountains, thousands of flora and fauna species of high biodiversity, and rich cultural identity. But tourists in Ha Long Bay are presently visiting only the Bay and some caves, not accessing environmental information or local cultural activities. In general, the full potential of ecotourism has not yet been reached.

International visitors to Viet Nam often like to visit ethnic minority villages to observe the culture, meet local people, and participate in traditional activities. The ethnic minorities who live in or near nature reserves maintain distinctive lifestyles, cultural identities, and traditional customs. These features are part of the real value of ecotourism. However, local people are not much involved in ecotourism.

In addition, local people still live in poverty, their life closely associates with natural resources. The economic benefits of ecotourism need to be shared with them, but this will not happen without community participation.

In order to develop ecotourism, local communities should _______.

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Câu 6:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

Water pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment today. There are several sources of water pollution ranging from sewage and fertilizers to soil erosion. The impact of water pollution on wildlife and their natural habitat can be immense. There are also a number of things that the average person can do to help stop water pollution.

We should conserve the soil because soil conservation influences water pollution through erosion. As soil is eroded by water, it transfers sediment from the land to the body of water, which is polluted by the chemicals in the sediment. Phosphorus and industrial chemicals can be pulled into water through soil erosion. When phosphorus levels in water become too high, they can lead to algae blooms that can cause massive fish deaths and make water unsafe for human use. The best way to prevent soil erosion is to keep the banks of rivers well-covered with plants or trees. Planting trees can have a significantly positive impact on the reduction in soil erosion.

The oil used to lubricate engines in all types of machines needs to be changed regularly. When the oil is changed, it presents a number of environmental hazards if not disposed of properly. When a leaky engine releases this oil into the street, it runs to the sewer and makes its way into waterways.

Wherever you see a lot of human recreation, you will almost always see lots of evidence of human use. Wrappers, bottles and other trash are unfortunately a common site at many well-used beaches and rivers around the world. It should be fairly obvious that the trash from these places often ends up in waterways and can cause pollution. Plastics are an especially big issue when it comes to water contamination at beaches and waterways. Picking up litter wherever you find it is honestly the best, fastest way to do your part to stop this type of water pollution.

Organize cleaning parties with local people to make the reach larger. Get businesses involved as sponsors who will donate prizes to the person who collects the most trash if you're having a hard time finding people to sign up to help.

It is estimated that the consumption of plastic by humans is between 250 and 300 million tons a year. About 80% of the plastic in the oceans came from the land. Using alternatives to plastics or using "less disposable" plastics whenever possible can have a surprising impact on ocean pollution. The fact that plastic is cheap and useful for different purposes makes it obvious choices for many people.

Soil erosion can lead to water pollution because _______.

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Câu 7:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

Water pollution is one of the biggest threats to the environment today. There are several sources of water pollution ranging from sewage and fertilizers to soil erosion. The impact of water pollution on wildlife and their natural habitat can be immense. There are also a number of things that the average person can do to help stop water pollution.

We should conserve the soil because soil conservation influences water pollution through erosion. As soil is eroded by water, it transfers sediment from the land to the body of water, which is polluted by the chemicals in the sediment. Phosphorus and industrial chemicals can be pulled into water through soil erosion. When phosphorus levels in water become too high, they can lead to algae blooms that can cause massive fish deaths and make water unsafe for human use. The best way to prevent soil erosion is to keep the banks of rivers well-covered with plants or trees. Planting trees can have a significantly positive impact on the reduction in soil erosion.

The oil used to lubricate engines in all types of machines needs to be changed regularly. When the oil is changed, it presents a number of environmental hazards if not disposed of properly. When a leaky engine releases this oil into the street, it runs to the sewer and makes its way into waterways.

Wherever you see a lot of human recreation, you will almost always see lots of evidence of human use. Wrappers, bottles and other trash are unfortunately a common site at many well-used beaches and rivers around the world. It should be fairly obvious that the trash from these places often ends up in waterways and can cause pollution. Plastics are an especially big issue when it comes to water contamination at beaches and waterways. Picking up litter wherever you find it is honestly the best, fastest way to do your part to stop this type of water pollution.

Organize cleaning parties with local people to make the reach larger. Get businesses involved as sponsors who will donate prizes to the person who collects the most trash if you're having a hard time finding people to sign up to help.

It is estimated that the consumption of plastic by humans is between 250 and 300 million tons a year. About 80% of the plastic in the oceans came from the land. Using alternatives to plastics or using "less disposable" plastics whenever possible can have a surprising impact on ocean pollution. The fact that plastic is cheap and useful for different purposes makes it obvious choices for many people.

The following are the effects of water pollution EXCEPT that        _______.

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