Câu hỏi:
2 năm trước

Determine whether the following statements are True, False.

Nowadays, amid the storming development of high-tech devices such as smartphones or e-book readers, people seem to neglect the existence of certain inventions that date back thousands of years. One of those is the mirror.

People grew a desire to see themselves as they saw their reflections in the surface of water. Around the 600s BC, the first mirrors were made from natural materials such as polished stones. After a while, people started to use bronze, gold and silver to make mirrors. These metals were heavy, so mirrors had very modest sizes. Ruling-class people, especially ladies, used them as a fashionable accessory. Hardly did they go out without a mirror. In the 1st century, the first glass mirrors were invented by the Romans and were made bigger to allow people to look at the whole body. However, not everyone cherished the mirror. Some people were irritated to find themselves ugly looking at the mirror, and there were rumors that what they saw in the mirror were reflections of sins and demons.

Nowadays, despite technological advancement, mirrors still play important roles in various modern-day fields, such as surgery, transport, architecture and so on. In fact, mirrors are utilised in technology and have inspired the inventions of several devices such as cameras or satellites.

1. People appreciate inventions that date back a very long time.

2. Mirrors from glass were first made by the Romans.

3. Everyone was happy to see themselves in mirrors.

4. Some people believed that mirror reflected negative things.

5. Due to modern technology, mirrors are not applied in many fields these days.

Trả lời bởi giáo viên

Đáp án:

1. People appreciate inventions that date back a very long time.

2. Mirrors from glass were first made by the Romans.

3. Everyone was happy to see themselves in mirrors.

4. Some people believed that mirror reflected negative things.

5. Due to modern technology, mirrors are not applied in many fields these days.

1. People appreciate inventions that date back a very long time. (Mọi người đánh giá cao những phát minh có từ rất lâu đời.)

Thông tin: People seem to neglect the existence of certain inventions that date back thousands of years.

Tạm dịch: Mọi người dường như bỏ qua sự tồn tại của một số phát minh có niên đại hàng nghìn năm.



2. Mirrors from glass were first made by the Romans. (Gương từ thủy tinh lần đầu tiên được làm bởi người La Mã.)

Thông tin: In the 1st century, the first glass mirrors were invented by the Romans and were made bigger to allow people to look at the whole body.

Tạm dịch: Vào thế kỷ 1, những chiếc gương thủy tinh đầu tiên được người La Mã phát minh ra và được làm lớn hơn để cho phép mọi người có thể nhìn toàn bộ cơ thể.



3. Everyone was happy to see themselves in mirrors. (Mọi người đều rất vui khi nhìn thấy mình trong gương.)

Thông tin: Some people were irritated to find themselves ugly looking at the mirror.

Tạm dịch: Một số người phát cáu khi thấy mình xấu xí khi soi gương.



4. Some people believed that mirror reflected negative things. (Một số người tin rằng tấm gương phản chiếu những điều tiêu cực.)

Thông tin: and there were rumors that what they saw in the mirror were reflections of sins and demons.

Tạm dịch: và có tin đồn rằng những gì họ nhìn thấy trong gương là phản chiếu của tội lỗi và ma quỷ.



5. Due to modern technology, mirrors are not applied in many fields these days. (Do công nghệ hiện đại nên ngày nay gương không được ứng dụng trong nhiều lĩnh vực.)

Thông tin: Nowadays, despite technological advancement, mirrors still play important roles in various modern-day fields, such as surgery, transport, architecture and so on.

Tạm dịch: Ngày nay, bất chấp sự tiến bộ của công nghệ, gương vẫn đóng vai trò quan trọng trong các lĩnh vực khác nhau của thời hiện đại, chẳng hạn như phẫu thuật, giao thông, kiến trúc, v.v.

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