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9. A.facebook B.nature C. education D.disposal Chọn từ ( ứng với A ,B ,C, hoặc D ) có vị trí trọng âm khác với những từ còn lại.(0,25đ). 10. A.poverty B.electric C. tradition D.protection III. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (1,5đ) Chọn từ ( ứng với A ,B ,C, hoặc D ) để hoàn thành các câu sau. 11.My monitor is …………………..best at English in your class. A. Ø B. a C. an D. the 12.The effects of……….pollution is include the destruction of ecosystem of rivers, lakes and pollution of groundwater, surface water and seawater. A.wz`ater B.noise C. land D. air 13. Do you know the student ……………….won the final game “ The road to Olympia” last year? A. whom B. which C.who D. whose 14. Goverments are nowadays playing an active role in ……………protection A.environment B.environmental C. environmentally D.environmentalist 15 You can look up vocabulary in a(n) ……………. A.media player B.digital pen C.electronic dictionary D.all are correct 16. If we ………….in Australia , we would make eco tours to some National Parks there. A lived B.live C. was living D. will live IV. READING (2đ) Đọc đoạn văn sau và dùng một từ gợi ý thích hợp cho sẵn trong khung để điền vào mỗi ô trống. (Lưu ý: Số từ cho sẵn nhiều hơn số từ cần điền) (1,0đ) electricity pollution renewable energy unclean Energy is fundamental to human beings. Many poor people in developing countries do not have modern sources of energy like (17)… or natural gas, with which their life can be improved. People who live in mountainous areas have to gather wood for fuel. This takes a lot of time. For many people living in rural areas, biogas is the largest (18)……source available. The main use of biogas is for cooking and heating, but it can also provide energy for public transport. As biogas is smoke-free, it helps solve the problem of indoor air (19)… Moreover, it’s made from plant waste and animal manure, they cost almost nothing. The tendency to use (20)…… energy sources in developing countries is on the increase as non-renewable ones are running out. In the future, the wind and the sun will be used as the most important environmentally friendly energy sources. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi sau.(1đ)

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I, Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Everyone has stories of how firms fail to give consumers the ___________ they have promised. A. service B. occupation C. allotment D. facility 2. After years studying North America’s black bears in a _____________ way, wildlife biologist Luke Robertson felt no closer to understanding the creatures. A. catch B. win C. achieve D. receive 3. He constantly revised and improved Tintin's original black-and-white adventures to make them more ______________ to new audiences. A. relevant B. apt C. applicable D. fitting 4. ______________, customers’ expectations have risen: they want choice, reliability and to be looked after as individuals. A. For the moment B. Then C. However D. Meanwhile 5. A lesser know symptom of this condition is that you will suddenly have panic attacks and ______________ cold sweats with little or no warning. A. break into B. come across C. give off D. switch on 6. While investors implicitly value product development and R&D expenditures, ____________ them assets that are potentially useful over a long period of time. A. bearing in mind B. deliberating C. considering D. regarding as 7. Mary found herself ______________ between the urge to race through the story and an ______________ to linger on the visual detail. A. pulled – impulse B. drawn – impetus C. torn – impulse D. torn – incentive 8. _______________ to popular belief, he contends that bears do not care as much for fruit as previously supposed. A. Opposite B. Opposed C. Contrary D. Contradictory 9. Many of these species, Sbordoni believes, ________________ underground millions of years ago to avoid extinction and adapted to life beneath the earth's surface. A. retired B. shrank C. departed D. retreated 10. Every organization has a culture that manifests itself in everything from entrepreneurship to _______________ all the way down to the dress code. A. adventurousness B. timidity C. risk-taking D. thrill-seeking

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Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) for each question. A pioneer leader for women’s rights, Susan Anthony became one of the leading women reformers of the 19th century. In Rochester, New York, she began her first public crusade on behalf of temperance, the habit of not drinking alcohol. The temperance movement dealt with the abuses of women and children who suffered from alcoholic husbands. Also, she worked tirelessly against slavery and for women’s rights. Anthony helped write the history of woman suffrage. At the time Anthony lived, women did not have the right to vote. Because she voted in the 1872 election, a US official arrested Anthony. She hoped to prove that women had the legal right to vote under the provisions of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. At her trial, a hostile federal judge found her guilty and fined her $100, which she refused to pay. Anthony did not work alone. She worked with reformers of women’s rights such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Amelia Bloomer. Susan worked for the American Anti-Slavery Society with Frederick Douglas, a fugitive slave and black abolitionist. On July 2nd 1979, the US Mint honored her by issuing the Susan Anthony dollar coin. Although Anthony did not live to see the fruits of her efforts, the establishment of the 19th Amendment is indebted to her efforts, according to US historians. Question 1: Anthony advocated all of the following EXCEPT A. slavery should be abolished. B. women are citizens and should have the right to vote. C. employers should provide childcare for female employees. D. alcohol should be prohibited because of the abuse it causes. Question 2: The word “crusade” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to . A. a battle against authority. B. campaign to work tirelessly for one’s beliefs. C. a war against the enemies in the Middle Ages. D. an attempt to fight evil. Question 3: What would historians say about Susan Anthony’s greatest achievement? A. She was an activist and raised a family at the same time. B. She worked with abolitionists to get the country rid of slavery. C. Her tireless efforts to guarantee women the right to vote led to the establishment of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. D. Women had the legal right to vote under the provisions of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. Question 4: In which of the following ways did the US Mint honor her life’s work? A. The Susan Anthony stamp was issued. B. The Susan Anthony dollar coin was issued. C. The Susan Anthony Memorial Park was built in Rochester. D. Susan Anthony dolls were created. Question 5: What is the main idea of the passage? A. Slavery was one of Susan Anthony’s causes. B. Susan Anthony did not accept the use of alcohol. C. Susan Anthony never gave up her struggle for all people’s freedom. D. Reformers do not always see the.

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Choose the word that has the CAPITAL LETTER pronounced differently from that of the others. 1 point sUstainable statUs destrUction natUre Choose the word that has the CAPITAL LETTER pronounced differently from that of the others. 1 point biOdiversity biOgas biOlogy biOsphere Choose one word whose stress is placed differently from the others. 1 point successful cognitive different wonderful Choose one word whose stress is placed differently from the others. 1 point similar symbolic effective eternal When do you intend to TIE THE KNOT with your Japanese girl? 1 point break up fall in love get married live under the same roof Water pollution is a result of dumping POLLUTANTS such as detergents, pesticides, oil, and other chemicals in rivers, which makes the water unclean. 1 point substances stuffs contaminants wastes "Green" tourists or "eco-tourists" are UPSET by the effects of mass tourism. 1 point tense troubled nervous relaxed The United Nations has declared the celebration of the International Day of Ecotourism, to PROMOTE sustainable practices in this growing industry. 1 point favour raise boost delay Lily: “I’m sorry. I can’t be of more help in this matter”. –Tuan: “ ....................................................” 1 point Yes, the matter is helpless That’s fine. I understand You are welcome That’s a problem You must slow down in built-up areas. __ you drive in the city, it is ___ that you’ll have an accident. 1 point The faster and faster / the more The faster / the more probable The more and more fast / the more and more probable The more fastly / the probable “What’s the matter? You don’t look very well.” – “I feel a little __________.” 1 point under the weather out of the blue out of order down to earth "Why don't we go to Lionel's for dinner tonight?” - “Is that the new restaurant ____ has just opened on the other side of town?" 1 point which where that it which it Women and men must have equal......................................to shape society and their own lives. 1 point directions ways behaviours rights There will be ____, too. Some areas will become wetter while others will become much drier. 1 point weather changes weather forecasts climatic change climate changes If you buy souvenirs made from endangered animals or plants, you ____ contribute to making them become extinct. 1 point would might could are

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