XI. Correct the mistakes (Hãy sửa những lỗi sai): 1. Warm down. May you please me what did happen? 2. The hospital will spend a police car to there into 10 minutes. 3. My finger is bleeding blood. Would you like togive me bandage? 4. The doctor allows the victim to drink wine and beer. 5. Thanks you very a lot by present you sent it to me. 6. Will you to come over to me home in the weeken? 7. The man said to me what is the name of that boy. 8. Although her legs were breaking, she can‟t go to the work. 9. You must to get up early so not as to be late for schooling. 10. Because the rain heavy, we don‟t want go out at nigh

2 câu trả lời

1.Warm down. May you please me what did happen?
=> Calm down . May you please me what happened?
2.The hospital will spend a police car to there into 10 minutes.
=> The hospital will send an ambulance to go there for 10 minutes.
3.My finger is bleeding blood. Would you like to give me bandage?
=>My finger is bleeding blood. Could you give me a bandage , please?
4.The doctor allows the victims to drink wine and beer.
=> The doctor doesn't allow the victims to drink wine and beer

1) warm down -> calm down / happen -> happened

2) spend a police car -> send an ambulance

3) Would you like togive -> Can you give

4) allows -> doesn't allow

5) by -> for

6) Will you to -> Would you like

7) is -> was

8) can't -> can

9) to ( sau must )-> bỏ

10) the rain heavy -> it rains heavily


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