Writing about noise pollution

2 câu trả lời

As weknow, nowadays, there are many kinds of pollution such as : water pollution, air pollution, air pollution, light pollution, soil pollution...etc. Especially, noise pollution. Noise pollution is more common and more damagingg than many peoplr realise. The noise pollution comes from school, market, traffic... When noise pollution is more common , people can have a headache, stress... so what should we do to prevent it.

noise pollution is the proliferation of excessive noise that cause adverse effect on human health and other living species. we are generally used to the voice of tv, dogs barking, traffic, etc. this has become a part of our lives but the continuous exposure to excessive voice can be harmful. this voice is mainly caused by transportation systems, loud music machine. extreme noise pollutipn can cause cardiovascular problem in human beings and also an increased occurrence of coronary artery disease among other severse health issues. 

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