write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.Use the word in brackets: 1. The rising temperature in the water destroys ecosystems(so) The rising temperature............................................... 2.Water pollution causes flooding due to the accumulation of soil waste and soil erosion in rivers(because of) Water pollution ......................................................................... 3.Oil spills in the water causes animals to die(make) Oil spills......................................................................... 4.Dumping solid wastes in rivers,lakes and oceans causes water pollution.(lead to) Dumping solid wastes....................................................... 5.Global warming makes water temperature go up(due to) Water temperature...................................................... 6.Oil from ship traver causes oil pollution to happen(because of) Oil pollution.................................................................. 7.We don't use more oil and coal.Pollution doesn't increase(If) If we..................................................... 8.The climate doesn't change.We don't meet with natural disasters(If) If the climate....................................... DỊCH BÀI LÀM GIÙM MK NHA

2 câu trả lời

1. The temperature in the water is rising so ecosystems are destroyed. 

2. Water pollution causes flooding beacause of the accumulation of soil waste and soil erosion in rivers

3. Oil spills in the water make animals die.

4. Dumping solid wastes in rivers,lakes and oceans lead to water pollution

5. Water temperature go up due to global warming 

6. Oil pollution happens because of oil from ship traver

7. If we don't use more oil and coal, pollution won't increase

8. If the climate doesn't change, we won't meet with natural disasters


1. Nhiệt độ trong nước đang tăng nên hệ sinh thái bị phá hủy.

2. Ô nhiễm nước gây ra lũ lụt do sự tích tụ của chất thải đất và xói mòn đất trên sông

3. Sự cố tràn dầu trong nước làm cho động vật chết.

4. Đổ chất thải rắn ở sông, hồ và đại dương dẫn đến ô nhiễm nước

5. Nhiệt độ nước tăng lên do sự nóng lên toàn cầu

6. Ô nhiễm dầu xảy ra do dầu từ tàu

7. Nếu chúng ta không sử dụng nhiều dầu và than, ô nhiễm sẽ không tăng 

8. Nếu khí hậu không thay đổi, chúng ta sẽ không gặp thiên tai


1. The temperature in the water is rising so ecosystems are destroyed. 

2. Water pollution causes flooding beacause of the accumulation of soil waste and soil erosion in rivers.

3. Oil spills in the water make animals die.

4. Dumping solid wastes in rivers,lakes and oceans lead to water pollution.

5. Water temperature goes up due to global warming.

6. Oil pollution happens because of oil from ship traver.

7. If we don't use more oil and coal, pollution doesn't increase.

8. If the climate doesn't change, we don't meet with natural disasters.

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