Write an essay about protect enviroment

2 câu trả lời

Write an essay about protect enviroment:

First of all, planting trees should be given massive attention. Above all, a tree is the source of oxygen. Unfortunately, due to construction, many trees have been cut down. This certainly reduces the amount of oxygen in the environment. Growing more trees means more oxygen. Hence, growing more trees would mean better life quality.

Similarly, people must give attention to forest conservation. Forests are vital for the Environment. However, deforestation certainly reduces the area of forests around the World. The government must launch programs to conserve the forests. The government must make harming forests a criminal offense.

Thirdly, soil conservation is yet another important way to save the Environment. For this, there must be control of landslides, floods, and soil erosion. Furthermore, there should also be afforestation and tree plantation to conserve the soil. Also, terrace farming and using natural fertilizers are some more ways.

Waste management is a powerful way of protecting the environment. There must be proper disposal of wastes. Most noteworthy, this would help to keep the surroundings healthy. The government must ensure to clean the streets and other polluted land areas. Furthermore, there should be toilets in every house. Also, the government must provide enough public toilets.

Finally, pollution is probably the biggest danger to the Environment. Smoke, dust, and harmful gases cause air pollution. These causes of air pollution come from industries and vehicles mostly. Furthermore, Chemicals and pesticides cause land and water pollution.

 - Nowadays, the environment is a matter of concern for many people. The environment provides us: air, water,... But we are gradually destroying the environment. And the consequences of that destruction are: many animals go extinct, environmental pollution, etc. Now, I will give you some measures to protect the environment:

  1. Limit the use of plastic bags

  2. Looks like a lot of trees

  3. Dispose of garbage in the right place

  4. Recycle used items.

Those are a few measures you can take to protect the environment. Thank you for listening!


Hiện nay, môi trường là vấn đề được nhiều người quan tâm. Môi trường cung cấp cho chúng ta: không khí, nước,.... Nhưng chúng t đang dần phá hủy môi trường. Và hậu quả của việc phá hủy đó là: nhiều động vật tuyệt chủng, ô nhiễm môi trường,.. Bây giờ, tôi sẽ cho các bạn một vài biện pháp bảo vệ môi trường:
  1. Hạn chế sử dụng túi ni- lông
  2. Trông nhiều cây xanh
  3. Vứt rác đúng nơi quy định
  4. Tái chế những đồ đã qua sử dụng.
Đó là một vài biện pháp bạn có thể làm để bảo vệ môi trường. Cảm ơn đã nghe!

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