Write about your dream destination -Where do you want to go ?-viết hộ mình là nước Mỹ -who do you want to go with-Friends -What places would you like to visit ?-Marvel studios and North beach -How long would you stay there-2 months -When did you up to go ?-Finish university -How are you going to get there ?-By plane Mình đang cần làm bài này gấp giúp mình với.

2 câu trả lời

My dream destination is to travel to and be maybe be a resident of Hallstatt, Austria. I’ve always wanted to travel the world and see what it has to offer, and Hallstatt seems to grab my attention more than any other destination. i want to stay there for a long time.Hallstatt is located in Salzkammergut; a very mountainous region of Austria. The small village is built on a mountain side facing Hallstatter Sea, featuring 16th century European style houses. For me, Hallstatt has so many eye catching features, encourages me to travel the world, learning about other cultures and life styles.

Someone once asked me: "If you have a lot of money, what would you do?". My answer is that I will travel around the world. Especially where I want to be American. At this point I can visit the Statue of Liberty-a symbol of America. The United States renowned for the most modern cities such as New York, Los angeles, ... and I want to be once you arrive here. Referring to the U.S. not to mention a Harvard-renowned universities and leading my dream to study in this school. Another reason that makes me want to visit the United States by the cinematic appeal of this place. The films produced by Hollywood, especially action films really attracted me. I wanted to come here to see firsthand these films were produced and how special that can meet my idol: Jason Statham action-a famous actor. Also, my friends in the U.S. will certainly be happy when I went to America and they can visit.

It is possible with the current conditions, the U.S.A is a step too far for me to make sure I will later visited America. America the beautiful country wait for me okay...