write a short paragraph on your answer sheet [about 70 -80] about your favourite leisure activities giup dum minh nha mai minh thi roi

2 câu trả lời

Quizzes can be fun games for your whole family on a picnic or weekend reunion.
Puzzle solving is a game that helps to develop spatial awareness, coordination, problem solving, cognitive and motor skills well. This is a very simple brain development activity, so you can play whenever you want.
How to play
There are many different types of puzzles to choose from such as tangrams and a great puzzle board. For older kids and adults you can try Scrabble, Sudoku, crosswords, logic puzzles and even Rubik's cubes. The puzzle is definitely the brain test for any age.

Write a short paragraph on your answer sheet [about 70 -80] about your favourite leisure activities.

Viết một đoạn ngắn trên phiếu trả lời của bạn [khoảng 70 -80] về các hoạt động giải trí yêu thích của bạn.

My favourite leisure activity is listening to music. I enjoy music and I listen it every single day. There are a lot of different styles of music for you to choose and enjoy. If I am in good mood, I prefer to listen some energy rock music that keep me happy and full of power. If I am tired, I chose some calm, relaxing songs. Music can speak, through music people can express feelings and emotions. When you hear something that looks like you, that you understand it easily, you start to love it. There are several different ways to enjoy music as your hobby. When you discover an artist or musician that you satisfies, it’s clear that you want to collect all of their works. Not only listening to music, a music collection is a great hobby to have, too.

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