Why do people volunteer? (How is volunteer work meaningful?) Viết một đoạn văn ngắn khoảng 5-6 dòng thôi ạ :))

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Charity brings joy to other people's lives and also makes your life more meaningful and enriching. To do charity work to know many situations in life to know that there are many less fortunate circumstances in this life, to love and cherish the life that we have. With your charitable deeds, you have helped the poor and pitiful circumstances somewhat alleviate their suffering, bring joy and hope to them because my life still has many precious things. and. Doing good deeds is also a good virtue for yourself, helping yourself to have more joy and meaning in life. Participating in volunteer work, especially when going to places that need help, will be a great journey. Charity for works for the community, sowing green shelters of empathy, compassion for the unlucky destiny will make this life more beautiful and also contribute to enhancing human identity and morality than. You will also be loved more by people, rated as a good personality.


Từ thiện mang lại niềm vui cho cuộc sống của người khác và cũng làm cho cuộc sống của bạn có ý nghĩa và phong phú hơn. Làm từ thiện để biết nhiều hoàn cảnh trong cuộc sống để biết còn nhiều hoàn cảnh kém may mắn trên cuộc đời này, để biết yêu thương và trân trọng cuộc sống mà mình đang có. Bằng những việc làm từ thiện của mình, các bạn đã giúp đỡ những hoàn cảnh đáng thương, tội nghiệp phần nào vơi bớt nỗi khổ, mang lại niềm vui và hy vọng cho họ vì cuộc sống của tôi còn rất nhiều điều đáng quý. và. Làm việc thiện cũng là một đức tính tốt cho bản thân, giúp bản thân có thêm nhiều niềm vui và ý nghĩa trong cuộc sống. Tham gia vào công việc tình nguyện, đặc biệt là khi đến những nơi cần giúp đỡ, sẽ là một hành trình tuyệt vời. Từ thiện vì những việc làm vì cộng đồng, gieo những mái ấm xanh của sự đồng cảm, thương xót cho những số phận kém may mắn sẽ làm cho cuộc sống này tươi đẹp hơn và cũng góp phần nâng cao bản sắc, đạo đức con người hơn. Bạn cũng sẽ được mọi người yêu quý hơn, đánh giá là nhân cách tốt.

Many people in the world do volunteer work. Each nation has a lot of people who voluntarily take care of others.  No matter who you are and how old you are……… you all do volunteer work. There are many kinds of volunteer work such as visiting old or sick people, teaching poor children……… and so on. However, have you ever thought that why do people do volunteer work? I am sure that there are many reasons for it.
In my opinion, there are five main reasons why people do volunteer work. The first reason is humanity. People, who feel lucky and have a good life feel the need to show their compassion for the less privileged ones Thus, they want to share with them difficulties and sadness to help them overcome troubles. They want to bring happiness to poor and disabled children, to the boys who no longer have fathers and the girls who no longer have mothers. They want to help these children go to school and teach them things which they usually learn from their parents. Besides, they take care of old and sick people because they consider them as their relatives and hope to help them conquer loneliness and sickness. They also want to teach their kids about humanity. They teach them to love and help others. Secondly, people do volunteer work because it is what they'd like to spend their free time on, perhaps.” Instead of listening to music or playing games….. we like to do volunteer works. It is fascinating, and we can also help others.” Some people shared. Thirdly, some people do it because it is their work. These people usually work in voluntary organizations. They are paid for it. The fourth reason, people who not only want to help but they also train their ability in activities of the society, do volunteer work. They think it can both help others and train themselves. They also find out friends or people who sympathize with them. Finally, above all things, people do volunteer work because they think that the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others. It is one of the most successful in their life.
In a word, volunteer work is happiness, right?!

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