What is your responsibility to your family

2 câu trả lời


I think my responsibility in the family is to try to study hard, become a good citizen and make my parents feel proud. As a student, I haven't done anything great yet. However, I start from doing small chores like helping my parents with housework and taking care of my younger brother. When I grow up, I will take care of them and help them financially.

1, Filial to parents
2, Take care of parents when growing up
3, Study hard
4, Do not ask too much
5, Do not bother your parents

6, Be at peace with brothers and sisters in the house
7, Filial piety with grandparents
8, Take care of the youngest


1, Hiếu thảo với cha mẹ
2, Chăm sóc bố mẹ khi lớn
3, Học hành chăm chỉ
4, Không đòi hỏi quá mức
5, Đừng làm bố mẹ phiền lòng

6, Hòa thuận với anh chị em trong nhà
7, Hiếu thảo với ông bà
8, Chăm sóc em út

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